Chapter 2 - Welcome Realty

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CHAPTER 2!!!! rly short

It may seem that Different Inhuman Species is a strange name for an academy.

     But really, it’s not.

     The reason why they call it that, it’s because there are people who have different abilities and are different from the rest of the humans. 

      You know how your parents used to tell you vampires, wizards, witches, wolves, etc. don’t exist, well they do. There are people who have powers, like superman, Wonderwoman and all the other superheroes. But they are fictional. And there are others who are who are vampires, witched, wolves, wizards, warlocks, genies, shape-shifters, and others that are much more powerful. 

      The school is the most private of every private school. There are only six D.I.S. Academies around the world. And each person gets selected for one that is designated to him or her. In San Francisco, CA that’s the school who obtains the students who are in the group, and the forces.

      There are groups because it depends which people should be there and there should be different types of power involved in the group. And the group goes to special missions like every superhero does only in real life and real pain.

       It can be hard if your part of the force, no one knows who is in it, only the founders of the D.I.S. Academies know. The chosen of the force are kept apart because of circumstances. You remember when you watched cartoons and that there are always a bad guy. Well there are a lot throughout the world. That’s why there are different groups, so that each can take care of each crime. There is about only a number of people with those abilities. 

      They tell the chosen ones that they are the force when they are all together, no matter the age, origin, gender, or specie. It all comes together once they know. They complete the bond that has been separated for years. 

“Hey dad, do you know where my keys are?” Danny asked his dad while trying to put cereal in his bowl

      “Well son I have bad news for you,” his dad, Charles Martinez, took a long pause like as if he would re-think what he was going to say, “you can’t drive to school.”

      “What! Why?” Danny practically yelled

      “Because of this….” his father took a crumpled piece of paper out of his shirt pocket, “I found this in your room.” holding the piece of paper out to Danny.

      “You looked through my room? You know I can at least have some privacy!” he looked at the paper, it was a speeding ticket.

      “Your mother and I need to know you aren’t doing bad things.” his dad looked concerned.

      Danny sighed, “I know, I know but why would you think that? Don’t you trust me”

      “We do, but you’re in high school-”       

      “Yeah I’m in high school, so what?”

      “You’re seventeen, Daniel-”

      “Danny, I prefer Danny”

      “Well, Danny, you’re seventeen and you seem to hang out mostly outside, with your friends and I just don’t want to see do and things.”

      “You know I don’t smoke, or drink, or anything, and I hang out with my cousins to.”

      “I know that…. It’s just, I want you to make the right choices, okay?”

      “Okay, so… can I have my keys back?”

      “No, I’m driving you”

      “Forget it, I’m walking then”

      “No you won’t you only have ten minutes to get to school, you might skip school, and I won’t let you be late on your first day of school.”


      “Just like your mother.”


      “Let’s go!”

      His dad took out his keys and went out straight to the car and Danny followed him.

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