Chapter 10 ~ The Dungeon's This Way

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We only have to cross three packs in total to get to Nightfall all three on the larger size land wise and all allies of Adam and the Iron Moon pack. As soon as our small group reaches the tree line I jump behind a tree and shift into my wolf grabbing my clothes in my mouth. Slowly I make my way back to the group as soon as I reach the group I notice that Adam has not shifted yet. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Don't worry I just needed to tell you the plan." I nod my head I'm not connected to their pack so there is no mind link between us.

"So as you know there are three packs we need to go through to get to Nightfall pack, they are all under my power so we should have no trouble there. Once we arrive at Nightfall Cora you'll go in front just in case any of your pack members have decided to come out of hiding and then you'll get to give out instructions, it is your pack after all." He looks at all of his wolve all of them are standing slightly behind him Adam lets out a low growl I presume a warning to them that they need to stop being such wimps. I shake my head.

Adam quickly slips behind a tree and returns completely covered in his wolves dark brown fur he nods to me before we start running.

I start at the back of the group but the other wolves quickly slowed allowing me to run next to Adam, I'm not sure it was a sign of respect more likely a sign of fear. Haha, they were scared I would attack them from behind. I quickly take the chance to catch up and run next to my mate it makes me feel playful and carefree but in the back of my head I can feel the weight of my wolf, she just wants her pack, her people. She knows Adam is her mate but at the current moment does not see him as very important.

My mood is ruined by her suddenly pushing herself to the surface forcing me to the back of our mind. She's annoyed by my small moment of happiness and reminds me of what needs to be done before we can fully accept our mate. I sigh in my head she's right, I'm an Alpha I need to be thinking of my people before I think of myself, and what about my sister, my family if I was with my mother, brother and sister I could have protected them, killed the wolves that attacked the pack house, but then flashback of that day pop up in my head and the hundreds of wolves that were there. I couldn't have saved them.

A tear builds in my wolves eye, she's crying, it's like looking at the forest through a fogged window, she's heavy with sadness, guilt, and pressure. She quickly notices Adams eyes on her and tucks her head down slowly and running a little faster but Adam quickly speeds up and straightens his head getting the point, but lets out a sympathetic whimper.

Suddenly the scent of the land changes my wolf notices the change of territory and slows slightly unsure of being on an unknown Alphas territory but Adam nudges the top of my left arm assuring me that it's fine. Small houses soon surround our group but we continue full pace as people exit to see why two Alpha wolves and a small army are passing through. I look sideways and notice a powerful man clearly the Alpha and clearly in his late 40's his hair greying and small wrinkles starting to form, he waves to us but does not make us stop to talk. Adam has already talked to him probably all the other Alphas as well, smart move.

We don't slow down our group running at a constant pace we pass through another pack quickly and as we reach the third the sky begins to darken as night approaches.

Adams wolf slows down and lets out a soft bark to me as we reach another clearing with pack members in it. He wants me to stop but my wolf doesn't allow me to, she knows our pack is only a day away and despite still being slightly weak form to wolfsbane wants to continue on what has become a 12-hour run. Adam lets out another bark, louder more determined this time and with more authority. My wolf stops and slowly turns, baring her teeth and crouching daring him to fight her, he shakes his head. She growls to assert her authority as an alpha and not his mate, before continuing into the other side of the clearing.

Soon the now familiar sound of paws pounding behind me tells me that Adam and his pack members are still willing to help me. The last 2 hours to my pack borders pass quickly and as familiar forests surround me and my wolf we speed up. Then the scent of the land changes and I know for sure we are on my land.

As I break through the tree line I pause.

Carnage, bodies scattered. I shift back into my human form and drop to my knees putting my head in my hands they really did get to the pack house. I need to focus I know as least some members of my pack are okay as the pack bond is still in tack.

Focus, focus.

The safe rooms. I let out a breath there could be people in there.

Slowly I open my eyes I raise from my knees and make my way over to the closest dead member.

Its Mera, a teacher, mother and grandmother, a very kind lovely person. She may have stayed out to protect her loved ones, it's the kind of role she would put on herself. I move away from her corpse and make my way past many other dead bodies towards to box outside the pack house grabbing a shirt and shorts as somewhere on the run here I lost my clothes. I look back to see Adam and his pack member with their tails tucked under them and their ears down grouped between the scattered remains of my pack members. I give them a sad smile.

"It's not everyone— we're a defensive pack so we have a lot of safe rooms and hiding places, we have food and water in these places and members don't come out for 14 days in case the threat takes some time to leave." I choke on my words s I say them scared that these 'safe' places may have been found. I turn my head to the entrance of the pack house and the large wooden doors I passed through to go fight.

"Where do we need to look Cora?" I turn back to Adam he's shifted and put a shirt and shorts on, I nod my head trying to focus on what I need to do.

"They all have a weird way to unlock them, I can't describe them, the largest one is in the dungeon it the members in there are okay they can help me open the rest." Adam steps even closer to me and puts two hands on my shoulders forcing me to look right at his face and only his face.

"Cora you are these peoples Alpha you need to be here for them, think about what your father would do okay? What kind of Alpha was he?" My father? Dedicated, protective strong, pack orientated. I let out a breath, knowing that for my people I need to be a strong front. Once again I nod my head. This time I move towards the direction of my people, well hopefully most of them.

"The dungeon's this way."

Alpha I'm The Black WolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ