Chapter 5 ~ Did That Feel Nice?

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Just like last time I was drugged with that wolfsbane I awaken in a prison only this time I don't get water splashed over my head. Instantly I hear sobbing, crying and screams of pain and fear. I'm in Iron Moons prison. I look over to see Adam in the corner of the room I move to go to him but am stopped by chains, not silver ones this time.

"Wh- why can't I smell you?" My voice cracks as I speak for the first time in probably a while.

"Wolfsbane dulls even your basic senses." He doesn't look up at me.

"Why am I down here?" I see him gulp and take in a deep breath.

"Because I don't know who you are because you're the black wolf!" He raises his voice and meets my eyes, which soften when he looks up at me, then quickly look back down to his feet.

"Why were you helping him? Did you really think you would win?" I gulp remembering my sister.

"He took my sister! Will he kill her? I need to find her, please they killed almost everybody." Even with his head down, I can tell he's raised an eyebrow.

"Almost everyone?" I smile.

"I can still feel their hearts, I can still feel them." A tear falls down my cheek and he looks over at me torn I know his wolf longs to hold me, but his inner Alpha wants to protect his pack.

"I had several wolves follow Blood Lust back to their hideout I'll notify you if they find anything. I have to get going, got meetings and paperwork to attend to." He gets up to leave still refusing to look at me.

"Are we going to talk about it?" My tone saddens.

"Talk about what Cora." My name delicately rolls off his tongue.

"That we're mates." He turns his back to me.

"No, I need to sort a few things out first." I gulp and feel my eyes start to water, but I don't cry.

"Can I go to my pack and look for survivors?" Suddenly angry he flips around and storms into my face.

"I don't know what kind of sick joke this is, making me your mate but you will not be given special treatment here. You are a prisoner. Understand?" I nod. "Good." Then he leaves slamming the gate behind him and making sure to lock it on the way out. Suddenly I can hear the screams again, they're everywhere.

Probably only a few minutes later footsteps echo down the hall.They stop in front of my cell. It's an older gloomy looking man with grey hair and dull eyes, he carries a box. In one swift movement, he opens the gate and entry with a smile.

"Hello little black wolf, how are you? I've Just come to give you some special treatment, is that okay?" He places the box on the ground. I gulp when I see the content. Knives, whips and other things I don't even know the names of.

I feel a jab in my neck then the feeling of a new liquid under my skin, three more times I am injected with what I can only assume is just normal wolfsbane, not modified true but just as deadly. 4 needles of what he just gave me are enough to kill an ordinary wolf, but I'm an Alpha and a recently made one which makes me more powerful. I won't die but I'm weak, extremely weak.

He picks up one of the knives and cuts off clothes that are not my own. He Then takes the whip out of the box and twirls it around in his fingers for a while. When I least expect it the material wraps around my skin almost hugging me before recoiling back to the man. He smiles.

"Did that feel nice? I bet it did." Again the whip hits my skin, first my exposed chest, then my ankles and lastly across my face snagging on my ear. He hits those spots repeatedly laughing as he does so. Then he stops and I hear him rustling around in the box before he pulls out a simple knife.

"This one's my favorite, looks so harmless but its silver and its sharp." The knife comes down on my skin sizzling as it collides with my blood, I scream so loud but it just blends in with my environment. Across my cheek, along with my arms, down my legs. I'm not healing and I'm losing blood fast. The man simple smiles to me as I cringe in pain and leaves carrying the box under his arm, but he leaves the knife and whip at my feet. I use my toes to grab the knife it's painful but not worse than I'm already feeling. Somehow I manage to get the knife into my left hand. I stab at the chain a couple times and either the knife is super strong or the chain is weak and old.

I break the rest of the chains with ease, but can only manage to stumble out the gate before deciding to crawl. The hallway is grotty and dripping wet for some reason, but I can see a slight light at the end of it. Slowly I move towards it weakening as I get further. To my luck again the door is unlocked. I almost roll out of the prison and land on soft green grass. Around me, I hear shouts and the sound of people approaching.

"Help. Please." I sense that I'm surrounded by people they all start to laugh.

"Why would we help you?" I feel myself weakening I've lost too much blood.

I open my eyes and see their pack house, I look up just in time the see Adam rising from his desk and breaking into a run.

"Ple- please help me-" My word fades off at the end and I close my eyes. As I start to fade away I hear pounding of footsteps yelling and then a warm pair of arms wrapping themselves around me. The tingles give away who it is. Adam.

Alpha I'm The Black WolfWhere stories live. Discover now