Chapter 2 ~ Just A Female Alpha With A Dead Pack

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I gasp for air and my eyes snap open in awareness.

"Good morning princess I hope you slept well." Blood Lust's Alpha says and my eyes flick to the silver bucket in his hands.

My arms are chained above my head and my shoulders ache cause I've been unconscious and hanging on the slightly, my feet are also chained. I jerk forward in an attempt to break the chains and reach the Alpha, I do not succeed in either task.

"You killed my pack! My father! My family! Why am I not dead? I should be dead!" I spit out at him. I would rather die honorably fighting for my pack then be the only person who survived. I will be seen as a coward.

"Oh, princess I only attacked you pack because I needed something." I furrow my eyebrows, and then I remember back to when I was paralyzed. He thinks I'll scare Iron Moon. He wanted me. He killed my whole pack over me! A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Did you kill everyone in my pack?" He sways a little and taps a finger on the side of his jaw.

"No, I kept two people. You and your little sister." He has Samantha? I thought she was safe! I saw her and Mum go into the hidden room in father's office. But then I think, nowhere is safe from Blood Lust, nowhere.

"What have you done to her! I swear if you have touched a single hair on her head I will ki一." He puts a flat hand up in front of my face and cuts me off.

"No need to issue threats, I've not done anything to her... bring the girl in." With a loud creak the iron door in the back of the room opens and my sister comes running in with two guards behind her. One guard reaches out to stop her but the Alpha shakes his head.

"Sammy!" I feel her small figure wrap around my body. I nestle my head into her soft brown hair. Her blue eyes are circled in a puffy red ring. She's been crying.

"Sam, did they do anything to you?" I whisper quietly into her ear. She hasn't got her wolf yet so I cannot mind link her.

"No, but Cora they killed themー" She lets out a loud sob. "They killed everyone. Mum, Mike, the whole pack."

"I know Sam I know, Dad too, but we're still here okay and we can do this together." She cries into my shoulder.

"I'm not sure I can." I open my eyes to see the Alpha signaling to us and the guards start approaching.

"Stay strong, okay? Stay strong for Mum, Mike, Dad and the pack okay?" And she nods.

"So Cora, down to business." The guards take my sister out of the room.

"I need to take out Iron Moon, or at least scare them. They are protecting too many packs and are preventing me from extending mine. You see Iron Moon have these weird legends that a completely black wolf will destroy them, wipe their pack out." I think to my wolf and her completely black fur.

"That's why I need you, fight with us tomorrow shift in front of them, growl a little, make them all piss their pants." I laugh a little Iron Moon would not be afraid of me. They are the strongest pack in the world, and I'm just a female Alpha with a dead pack.

"Why would I fight for you, Iron Moon will kill you all, what you plan tomorrow is suicide." This time he laughs.

"We are stronger than you think Cora." And an evil smile appears on his face.

"Why would I fight for you?" I restate. His smile widens.

"You see Cora I have Sammy don't I? Surely you saw that coming? Fight or we'll kill her, slowly one limb at a time." My eyes open in shock, how did I not see that coming, why else would he keep her alive!

"I will fight! But if I do and we all survive, you will let both me and my sister go. Understood?" He tilts his head to the side and rubs his neck while thinking.

"Agreed. Now we must prepare, the real battle is tomorrow. Some people will come and get you early tomorrow morning, you will obey every order given to you or else she dies." I gulp but nod. He smiles.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow little black wolf." Then he leaves out of the same iron door my sister left through. With the room now empty I take a moment to assess my condition and my surroundings. I look sideways to my shoulder, no bite mark. Then I look lower down on my arm where the scratch was, gone. Now werewolves heal fast but not this fast, I've been asleep a day max, these wounds should have taken about three to heal this good. They must have used some kind of healing wolfbane, they're hard to come by, as only a few people grow them successfully. I've heard the process is quite tricky.

A loud grumble sounds through the room. My stomach being the culprit, I choose to ignore my hunger. There is still a slight throbbing in the back of my head and my lips are dried and cracking, I choose to ignore that too.

Now I look around the room, It's large and made out of solid grey rock. The wall facing me, of course, has the iron door, the one to my right has a small window which lets in a small amount of moonlight and the wall to my left has another four chains like mine attached to it but no one in them. Then I look at the top left corner of the room. A small black dot is all I can make out in the darkness, but I think I can assume it's some kind of security camera. They're watching me, maybe waiting for me to try and break out. But I won't, I wouldn't risk my sisters live like that, she's all I have left.

I lower my head and make my body go limp so it appears I am asleep. I won't sleep tonight I have to think.

Iron Moon. They're only the strongest pack in the world because they're smart, they make more allies than enemies. But if an ally betrays them they wipe them out, kill the high ranking wolves and take in the rest of the pack. It's known that if those pack members doubt of disobeying their new pack in any way they will be killed too. They know when to be ruthless when to cut ties, tomorrow will be a bloodbath.

I smile.

At least if it's a bloodbath tomorrow Blood Lust's Alpha will feel my pain, I hope they kill him slowly.

I've never heard of the Iron Moons legends, the ones about the black wolf, well the ones about me I guess. Though my pack is not allied with theirs and my father has only met their Alpha a couple of times. So I guess it makes sense that all I know about them is rumor and suspicion really.

I close my eyes and sigh to myself. Tomorrow will either be a very long or a very short day, let's hope for the first one.

Alpha I'm The Black WolfWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt