Chapter 6 ~ You're A Mess

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I feel my brain start to stir from unconsciousness, but I still don't have the ability to open my eyes. So I listen. I sound of heels clicking swiftly along hard floors, the sound or another person posing next to me. A heart beating super fast, coming from the same person pacing I think I can assume it's Adam. Then there is the wiring of a machine and a beeping that I figure out is my own heartbeat. I'm in a hospital, well more likely a pack hospital. I tighten my eyes slightly trying to get some kind of movement but my body is too weak and my eyes still won't open.

"Dr. Maryan is she going to be alright?" The pacing stops and I feel a warm hand brush some hair off of my face. There is a slight pause before someone says something.

"Well Alpha, she is currently stable." I hear a frustrated exhale come from Adam.

"Is Cora, my mate going to be alright?" He raises his voice. He called me his mate! I hear the beeping connected to my pulse speed up and then I feel Adams warm hand wrap around mine.

"Alpha, she is healing slower than a human. Her wolf will probably not return to heal her for a while because of the crazy concentration of wolfsbane in her system which I cannot in anyway remove. So Alpha she is stable for now, but not in the clear. She can hear us but you know that. Also, can you see how her eyes keep scrunching like that? That's her trying to open her eyes. She might be okay but I cannot promise you anything." I hear the sound of clicking heels getting further and further away. Then the bed I'm on dips down.

"You should see yourself, Cora you're a mess and it's all my fucking fault. How dumb could I have been to think you wouldn't be a target. A complete idiot. You know somehow I convinced myself you'd be safer down there. I'm so sorry I was so wrong. It's just my head and my responsibilities are telling me one thing and my heart and wolf are telling my another. My head is reminding me that you're that black wolf. That you're meant to destroy me. Look after your pack. But my heart longs for love, for a mate. For someone that accepts me for who I am. Not for someone who just thinks I'm good looking or someone that wants to climb in rank, someone perfect. My second half my soulmate. You." I can hear the beeping it's so rapid. Then Adam lies down and I feel his head rest on my neck and his body slightly wrap around mine.

"I can't even leave you alone because once again you're so vulnerable and there will more than likely be another person who will try to ki- kill you. I know if your eyes were open and if you were at full strength you'd probably beat who even was attacking you, but you're so vulnerable. So, so vulnerable. I'm so sorry." And he buries his head deeper into my neck. I can then hear the slight sound of him inhaling my scent probably to stabilize his current emotions. I long to smell him but my normally sensitive nose can only pick up the smell of cleaning products. No wolf, no heavenly mate scent or tingles. I miss her. I need her back.  

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