Chapter 1 ~ A Few Days, Just A Few Days

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'Cora, Blood Lust pack are coming from the east go!' I hear my father yell through our link.

'Father this is my pack, I will not abandon my people, we will need every fighter we can get, you need me!' I feel a salty tear roll down my cheek, Blood Lust pack are known to leave no survivors, she-wolves, mothers, children, babies will be slaughtered.

'Father I am staying, I am to be the next Alpha of this pack, I will stay and fight for my title and for my future people.' I block my father out of my mind, he can't stop me I have made my decision. I make my way out of the pack house, saying goodbye to the creaky front door on the way out, survival is not likely. I feel my bones crack bend and stretch forming my new shape, a wolf with simple black fur not a hair of white in sight. Then I run towards the east border, where I know our warriors are already waiting for the inevitable.

My father refuses to look at me, his Beta and the warriors acknowledge me with a solemn nod. Then we wait.

After only 30 seconds of waiting in silence, a battle howl sounds from the trees, and a mass of brown, blond and white emerges. A massive blond wolf leading the pack approaches with a wicked smirk on his face and he licks his lips in anticipation, his eyes flick between me and my father, then they lock on me and he laughs to himself a little. Then he howls and it all begins.

A brown wolf knocks me off my feet and bites my shoulder but I quickly focus and snap its neck before it does me any more damage. Then there's a little white one with blood already dripping from its snout. I pounce on it but it quickly moves sideways, so I only manage to catch its back foot in my jaw. The wolf lets out a cry of pain as I bite down on its foot before climbing on top of it and biting its neck. Then there's and black and white one, then another brown one, a blond one, a white one. The wolves just keep coming and I fight and kill each one only gaining small injuries.

Then I feel blood flowing down from my lower left arm as a reddish wolf slashes at it with its claws, my arm starts to feel strange and the area around the scratch starts to tingle and then numb. I try to jump at the red wolf but my limbs feel so heavy, and I fall to the ground. I can't move, I can't even open my eyes, but I can hear what's going on around me, death.

As I feel my brain just about to shut down and go to sleep, I hear a howl of defeat, a howl of sorrow, my father. A howl of apology to his pack that he could not protect them, but the howl is cut short and followed up by a chorus of howls, he's dead. My father is dead. My pack is dead.

"Oh little black wolf I don't usually do this, but you're coming back with me." Through the numbness I can only just feel myself being picked up by a pair of arms. All I can manage to do it grunt, I would rather die with my pack and my father.

"Don't fight the numb princess it will only make this experience worse." But I don't give in I fight it.

"Alpha do you want her to be chained?" I feel myself being put into the back of a car, recognizing the cool feeling of leather.

"No she has the special type of wolfsbane in her system, the paralyzing one and it won't wear off anytime soon." I feel the numb tugging at my brain but I refuse to give into it

"Alpha, I don't mean to question your motives, but why are we bringing her back with us? We usually kill everyone." Their Alpha sighs.

"Have you see her wolf? It's all black. She's the wolf Iron Moon are so afraid of, they are too strong to just walk over like these other packs. So I need her to frighten them off." The other wolf takes in a large breath.

"She's THE black wolf!"

"I think so."

"When are we going to be attacking Iron Moon then." I feel part of my brain shutting down and feel like I can only hold on for a few more seconds.

"A few days, just a few days." Then all I feel in my brain is a soft hum.

Alpha I'm The Black WolfWhere stories live. Discover now