Chapter 9 ~ Surprise and horror

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I smile up to Gareth it's odd how such a strong tall man can look so afraid that he takes a fighting stance with his fists out and his legs spread apart for balance. My hands stay by my side and I lean heavily on my right leg, standing on it my left one won't make the feeling in it come back. I simply look up at him with a small smile on my lips and a raised eyebrow.

"GO!" Adam shouts in a deep tone, it's his wolf he's not happy but he is not allowed to interfere. Had it been a wolf challenging a wolf he could stop it because he is their Alpha, but its a wolf challenging an Alpha so he is essentially powerless because there is an Alpha title up for grabs.

Instantly I shift, my wolf is hesitant at first, knowing the health risks but she is still eager to get out, so allows my form to change and my black fur to grow. I close my eyes and admire the sudden feeling that comes into my leg as my wolf pushes me back and takes control of the situation, I won't interfere she is more powerful without me restaining her.

Gareth's eyes widen in surprise and horror. He would have been there last time I shifted but not all of the people surrounding us would have. Audible gasps are heard from all around and the sound of cracking bones as many shifts into their wolves for defense. I focus on my challenger.

"Quit it the lot of you! You all know that these kinds of things are done in wolf form, so what is the big deal?" I hear some random girl in the crowd say I'll have to thank her later.

Slowly one paw at a time my wolf circles Gareth he turns slowly watching carefully. I jump only a foot towards him and out of fear he shifts, I guess he is all words seems a little pathetic to me honestly.

His first major mistake to sneak a look sideways and that's when my wolf chooses to pounce, her claws sinking into his side and her teeth managing to get the tip of an ear. He shrieks out in pain as she bites the chunk of the ear off quickly spitting it out. Then it clicks in his head that he actually has to fight back. He swipes randomly into the air my wolf swiftly doge it. Why is the idiot's still on the ground though? Is this guy even a warrior? So once again I pounce though this time he quickly moves sideways and we I land pins me down. I feel my wolves anger start to bubble as I feel Garaths breath on my neck. She starts with a growl just a rumble before it gets louder and louder and louder behind Garath I see some people cover their ears. Garaths eyes freeze he flinches away and starts to coward back stepping out of the ring people have created but I see red so follow. I sprint at him grabbing him firmly by the neck then he shifts and I can see tears in his eyes, he is not a young man I would say he's in his late 20's and he is full out sobbing.

"Just make it quick, please just make it quick." I hear his say between sobs. I release his neck and look over at Adam he approaches takes his shirt off, revealing a large amount of muscle and puts it on the grass next to me I shift and quickly put it on. When I look back the Garath I see red once again the man really makes my blood boil.

I grab his neck again only with my hands this time and squeeze slightly. "You are utterly pathetic Gareth, and I only am allowing you to live because the image of your cowardliness will spread. You challenged me and the have up when things got hard. Pathetic."

I look to Adam our eyes locking. "I need to got to my pack now, I cannot imagine the stress they are in."

I look around the group of Adams wolves again, at their faces specifically. Scared, frightened, pee their pants, scared, smiling? I tilt my head and approach the youngest looking girl. Could she be the girl who in a way stood up for me before? As I approach the wolves around he moves away.

"Hi, do you happen to be the girl that told everyone to stop acting like this fight was different." I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow.

She laughs lightly. " Yes I am, I hope you didn't mind, I just thought that everyone was being ridiculous, I'm Lucy by the way." I shake her hand.

"Cora." I say before releasing her hand.

"Well thank you Lucy, I have no idea why the colour of my fur makes me so scary and I feel that my only interactions with this pack so far have only been magnifying that image. It's nice to meet someone who isn't preparing to run away at the sight of me. I must leave now my pack has been without an Alpha for about 11 days, so I must hurry. I guess I'll see you when I return." She nods and smiles at me, I give a small smile before turning in the direction of my pack. 

I'll be there soon. I'll be there soon.

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