Chapter 4 ~ As Black As Night

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Intense stinging erupts on my cheek which I instantly wake up to. A slap. Of course, there Keith is standing in front of me smiling.

"Are you ready Princess? Because it's time to fight." I hesitantly step out, the car the door already being open for me. I'm then quickly surrounded by people I can only describe as guards but their purpose is to keep me in not stop people from getting to me. I put my noise e up into the air. We're on someone else's territory. A territory that reeks of power. Iron Moon. A shiver runs down my spine.

Slowly I nod. His smile grows.

I only just hear him say "This is going to be fun." and then he walks away heading straight for a group of trees. The guards start to follow forcing me to walk as well. I look around me through gaps between the guards. Hundreds of wolves and if they're here they're fighters, warriors. My pack has 100 max fighters at a time. When did Blood Lust get so big?

As soon as we reach the group of trees I see them, Iron Moon. But I feel drawn to their pack and I find myself walking towards them. Keith catches my arm and shakes his head at me. I rip my arm out of his hand. Then the wind changes direction and I catch a scent on it that drives my wolf insane. Whining, howling in my head, screaming to be let out. I know what it all means. Mate.

I look over to Iron Moon searching for someone who will catch my eye, someone who is also searching. Males have a stronger sense initially when mates meet. I smelt him on the wind, he would have sensed me the moment I arrived. Then I see him. Dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, tall and muscular and even from 20 meters away I can tell he's powerful. This can only be one person. Adam Reed. Alpha of Iron Moon. I go to run to him, surely he can save my sister I wouldn't even need to help Keith, but that wouldn't work. So I don't run to him.

I gulp and stick my head up high. My wolf continues to scratch at my head but I don't go to my mate. Adam steps forward his pack stays in place. He's now only 10 meters away. Close enough for me to see the defined muscles under his tight shirt. I look sideways.

"Keith, who is she?" I look back at Adam to see him pointing at me. I head Keith laugh to himself a little before stepping forward himself.

"It's good to see you to Adam. May I ask though. I come here with an army and you want to know about a singular girl I bring with me?" Adam nods and looks over at me with an almost confused look. Then he nods.

"Well Adam, she Cora Dawson, the new Alpha of Knightfall pack, well that is if there are any of them left." Once again Keith laughs. But I smile to myself I can still feel them, not a lot but my ties to my pack are still alive. I have to get back there I have to save my pack and could I have been so blind to forget about them all, they need me. But I'm here in the middle of a war.

"Why do you have here with you then? I can smell only one Knightfall member and it is her." This time Keith's pack laugh with him.

"She will be the reason for our fright and she'll be as black as night, you're back wolf legend, am I right?" Adam nods. Two people grab me, one holding down my legs the other holding my arms together. I then feel a slight prick in my neck as Keith gestures to me. I feel myself shift, revealing my black fur, without my control even my wolf is not in charge of our body. Whatever was in that shot has made me go crazy. I see Adam's eyes widen in surprise but he quickly yells to his pack that tonight and that he want me alive. Alive.

The rest of Keith's wolves come out of the trees but Blood Lusts numbers don't even compare to Iron Moons and I bet Iron Moons wolves are trained better. I feel myself lunge at a small grey wolf but before I can reach its neck, I'm pinned down by a large dark brown wolf with blue eyes, followed by an amazing smell. Adam. I'm instantly calmed by his and his wolf. A small woman approaches with a bag with a red cross on the back of it, I know she's a doctor, there to help me but my body snaps at her she drops her back and jumps backward. Keith howels and all his wolves back off, they underestimated Iron Moon, he overestimated what influence I would have.

The lady picks up her bag and looks through its content before taking her hand out with a needle in her grasp. Adam slowly melts down into his human form as the lady through the needle to him.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly in my ear before he jabs the needle in my neck. The familiar feeling of numb tales over my body, the paralyzing wolfbane again, great.

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