28.Bride to Be

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"Tour?, Zayn you can't go on tour, we just started planning our wedding," Emily said crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know, but whatever management says goes" Zayn replied.

"But, I thought you were a solo artist? Why can't you just skip it, you're not a part of the band anymore" Emily pointed out.

"My manager said that he already signed me back over to our original manager and I have no way out of this" Zayn sighed running a hand over his face.

"He can't do that, I-I I need you here Zayn I can't plan this wedding on my own" Emily teared up.

Zayn wrapped his arms around her, stroking her hair. "I'm so sorry babe, but I promise as soon as I get back we will get married right away, I'll find out what the last day of the tour is and that will be our wedding day, alright?" he said. Emily nodded and smiled weakly at him, "Now, since we have one week left, let's do the most we can, and then when I'm gone you can make all the decisions, I don't care as long as your happy" Zayn smiled.

Emily leaned up and kissed him, "I love you so much" she whispered.

"I love you more, " he replied before kissing her once more.


"Pregnant, oh my god" Harry whispered, looking down at her stomach.

Clara watched him carefully. "Do you not want the baby?" she hesitantly asked.

Harry smiled, "Are you kidding me, of course, I do, " he picked her up and spun her around, she giggled at his actions. He placed her down and kept his hands on her waist, "Little Harry, J.r" he rubbed her stomach.

She laughed, "We are not naming our son after you" she smiled.

Harry pouted, "But I made him" he retorted.

"Yeah, but he was already a part of me when I was born" Clara smirked.

"Touche" Harry smiled and placed his lips on hers.

"So what about the tour?, I obviously can't go without you, and you're going to miss the birth of our son or daughter," Clara said.

"I know, but I'm going to see what I can do, I'm not going to miss the birth of our child," Harry told her.

"How would you even know when the baby will be born?" Clara asked.

"Duh telekinesis" Harry joked. Clara chuckled and kissed her childish boyfriend.


"Why do we have to go shopping now, your wedding isn't going to be in a year?" Clara asked as Emily pulled open the front door of the store.

"Well, we won't be able to find you a dress when you have a belly bump now will we?" she pointed out.

"Well, that's what maternity dresses are for," Clara stated.

"Yeah, but I'm having my wedding after your baby is born, you know, like three months later," Emily said in a duh voice.

"Fair point," Clara said, sitting down next to her on the waiting couch.

"Hello ladies, how many I help you?" a young woman asked them as she stepped into the room.

"Yeah, hi, I'm getting married in a year, but I'm looking for a wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses" Emily spoke up.

"Okay, come right this way," the lady said and the two followed after her.

Clara sat in a quite comfortable chair as Emily was trying on her first dress. She was scrolling through her Twitter feed when something cached her eye.

'One Direction Reunion Tour and Kendall Jenner are joining them, oh my god!'@Onedirectionfanbase108.

Clara's phone fell out of her hand, and her heartbeat quickened. She thought she was seeing things and that she miss read that tweet. She picked up her phone and re-read the tweet. She read it over and over again, hoping the words would change, but they didn't. She almost crushed her phone in her hand, fuming, she dialed Harry's phone. After three rings, someone's voice greeted on the other side, but it wasn't Harry.

"Hello?" Kendall said, and for the second time Clara dropped her phone, but this time it felt as if it was in slow motion.

"Well, what do you think?" Emily said as she stepped into the room, her dress a mermaid structure with embellishments all over. Clara, however, was just staring at the phone on the floor. Kendall was still saying hello on the other side. Emily noticed her friend's strange behavior, and she picked up the phone placing it to her ear.

"Yeah, hello who is this?" Emily asked. Clara could only hear Emily's side and mumbling in the background.

"Um, excuse me, I believe it Harry's girlfriends best friend you are talking to, and who are you," Emily said her attitude kicking in.

"That's funny, I don't even know who you are," she continued.

"Yeah, well, Harry does not hang out with trash like you, so I'm pretty sure you stole his phone" she yelled into the phone.

"Funny, I doubt Harry even know's who you are, so do us all a favor and change your personality and maybe he will even consider having your company, and If I ever catch you on this line again, I will hunt you down and-" That's when Clara grabbed the phone and ended the call before Emily got arrested faster than she could say 'I do'.

"Jeez Emily," Clara laughed.

"Sorry she was pissing me off and nobody pisses me off," Emily said before smiling.

"So what do you think?" Emily asked to do a small twirl.

"I think it is perfect" Clara smiled.

"Me too" Emily agreed.

"So ladies is this the one?" The saleslady asked once she walked in with the veil in her hand.

"Yes, I love it" Emily smiled, it's getting even bigger and they lady placed the veil on top of her head. "Wow, you look fantastic," the lady said and Clara nodded in an agreement, a few tears forming in her eyes.

"Aww, don't cry Clara you're going to make me cry" Emily laughed, a few tears forming in her own eyes.

"No, No crying in the wedding dress, come on I'll wring it up for you, and then we will find some bridesmaids dresses," the lady said bringing Emily back into the other room.

"Why did we buy five bridesmaid dresses?" Clara asked once she sat in Emily's car.

"One for you, one for Sarah, one for Sophie, one for my cousin Lisa, and one for Destiny" Emily replied.

"Wait, pause you're inviting Destiny to your wedding, why?" She asked.

"Well, we became friends for a little after you left for New York and she is your sister after all" Emily smiled.

Clara returned it, but it soon fell as she remembered what she had just read an hour ago, "What's wrong?" Emily asked while driving down the road.

"I'll tell you later, I go to work something out first, " she replied, keeping her eyes on the window.

"Okay" Emily left it at that understanding not to push any further.

Clara anticipated what Harry was going to say about this. It could just be a rumor, and she believed that Harry would tell her about this, right?.

More and More drama with Kendall, what is wrong with her?. Oh, I love this so much. Comment and vote, love ya bye


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