16. Thanksgiving {Part 2}

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"What the hell?" Harry yelled, stepping back. By now Clara's heart had stopped and tears were forming in her eyes. Now she knew how Louis had felt, she didn't know it felt so shitty.

"Come on Harry why are acting like that?" Kendall slurred, she was clearly very intoxicated. She could barely stand and Harry had to hold her up for support.

"You didn't act that way when you called me last night?" Kendall hiccuped. Clara turned her gaze to Harry, who was avoiding looking at Clara, his gaze on the floor.

"Is that true?" she asked, her voice cracking. Harry remained silent, there was so much tension in the air you could cut through it with a knife.

"Um, we're just going to go," Emily said, grabbing Zayn's hand and running up the stairs.

Niall stood up, "Yeah, we'll just be-" he didn't finish his sentence only grabbed Sarah hand and ran upstairs as well. Liam got the memo and followed them. Now it was just Clara, Harry, and Kendall. Harry lead her to the couch and laid her down. She snuggled up to a pillow and fell instantly asleep.

"What the hell was she talking about Harry?" Clara, almost screamed, walking over to him who was looking down at Kendall sleeping.

"Harry?" she said again reaching to grab his arm after he didn't respond.

"Are you still seeing her?" Clara reluctantly asked, her voice extremely low.

"No, I just called to tell her happy thanksgiving and she said she was going to come over, but I told her not to, I guess she didn't listen," Harry said looking over at Clara.

Clara sighed, "Okay, But why the hell had she just kissed you?" Clara said her voice starting to rise.

"She was drunk she didn't know what she was doing," Harry said running a hand over his face, he avoided answering the first question.

"I think she knew what she was doing" Clara responded.

Harry glanced over at Clara confused, "What is that suppose to mean?" Harry asked.

"Isn't it obvious Harry? she still has feelings for you, " Clara yelled tears streaming down her face.

"No, she doesn't," Harry said obliviously.

Clara let out a pathetic laugh, "How stupid could you be, A girl wouldn't travel half way across the world to see a boy she wasn't completely in love with" Clara mumbled wiping the tears off of her face.

"But the question is, do you still have feelings for her?" she asked her voice low and weak. Harry's face fell and he walked over to Clara placing his hands on her shoulders. Her head was hanging low, but Harry lifted her head with his finger, he then looked into her watery eyes before placing his soft lips on her's.

After a few moments he let go, but placed his forehead on her's, "I love you and only you Clara" He whispered a small smile on his face.

Clara sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled at you," she said.

Harry chuckled, "That's alright love, I would have acted the same way, " he smiled pecking her lips once more before wrapping his arms around her, trapping her in a hug.

Their lovely moment was soon disrupted by Kendall, who groaned from the couch a few feet away from them.

"What are we going to do with her?" Clara asked, glancing over at her.

"Maybe we let her stay overnight and then she can leave in the morning?" Harry suggested.

Clara groaned internally, "Fine, but she's staying on that couch, I don't want her anywhere near you?" Clara said firmly.

"Oh, I like this overprotective side of you, it's kinda hot" Harry whispered before kissing her jawline.

"Harry, stop it, we got to serve dinner?" Clara giggled, trying to get out of his grasp.

"They can wait," Harry said, picking her bridal, style, causing her to laugh very loud. "Shh," Harry said before running up the stairs with her in his arms.


"Is she dead?" Niall asked, poking at Kendall's cheek.

"Stop that, " Sarah slapped his hand. Niall hissed moving his hand away.

"Why is she here?" Liam asked, taking a seat at the table next to Zayn.

"She came to see Harry" Clara mumbled before placing the turkey on the table.

"Why would she come all this way to see him?" Emily asked, sitting down on the other side of Zayn.

"Let's not talk about that yeah? Dinner is served?" Clara said, becoming slightly agitated then took a seat next to Harry.

"Would anyone like to do the prayers?" Harry asked, taking Clara's hand in his.

"Sure, I'll do it" Niall spoke up.

"Oh no, " Sarah mumbled under the breath, which caused Clara to giggle.

"Dear God, thank you for another meal and for the fact that we could all be together for this Thanksgiving, bless this delicious food as we eat it and our derby team in hope that they will win so I can get my fifty bucks, Amen," Niall said before literally digging into everything. Clara was going to make a statement on the prayer but chose not to, she learned the hard way not to disturb Niall while he is eating.

Halfway through the meal while everyone was enjoying them self deep in their own conversations, Emily spoke up.

"I'm pregnant," she said and the room became completely silent. Clara, almost choked on her wine, Harry's face completely froze, Liam's fork dropped, Sarah's eyes widened, Niall just kept on eating, but he was watching everybody else, and Zayn completely froze up.

He looked over at his girlfriend next to him, "You're what?" he asked his voice hoarse.

"I'm pregnant" she repeated a hopeful smile on her face, but soon fell as she saw Zayn's expression.

His eyebrows furrowed together and he opened his mouth to speak, but soon closed it again, "I need some air, " he said before quickly standing up and walking out the door. Tears formed in Emily's eyes and she soon stood up and ran in the opposite direction out the back door. The table remained silent as everyone tried to process what was happening.

Harry stood up about to go probably beat Zayn up, but Clara stopped him, "I got this, Sarah, could you?" she asked referring to Emily.

"I got it" Sarah smiled before walking after Emily.

Clara walked out the door to find Zayn standing on her front porch with a cigarette in his mouth.

"You know those things are bad for you, " Clara said, scaring Zayn a little.

He let out a puff of smoke before responding, "I know, but I don't care, " he replied before taking a swing at it.

"Do you even know how much courage it took for him to tell you?" Clara walks over to stand by him. He remained silent, staring out into the distance.

"She was so afraid that you would leave her, that's why she didn't want to tell you" Clara continued.

Zayn only glanced over at her before outing the cigarette, "That child is going to be your responsibility too, don't leave her again Zayn you're the only thing that makes her happy" Clara said before walking back inside, leaving him in a puddle of guilt.

There you go, guys, more drama, hope you enjoyed it, new chapter up tomorrow.

-Tay >3 

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