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"Good morning " Clara greeted as Harry rose up from the bed. He rubbed his eyes and groaned.

"Um, there's some Advil on the table next to you, " she said awkwardly standing a few feet away from him. He didn't respond only took the Advil and swallowed by the water next to it.

Clara sighed, "Harry, can you hear me out?" she asked, he only glanced at her before getting out the bed and walking right past her.

She grabbed his hand, "Harry please, just listen to me" she pleaded. He sighed and turned around, his gaze concentrating on the floor.

"I'm so sorry Harry that I lied to you, but it wasn't my secret to tell, Zayn wanted-"

Harry cut her off.

"I don't care about what Zayn wanted, I wanted you to be honest with me, you had so much time to tell me that and you didn't, it feels like you don't trust me. I don't think I even know who you are anymore" Harry mumbled, his head hanging low.

"I-I" Clara own sobs cut her off.

"Harry please, give me another chance, I need you, " she cried, her whole body shaking. Harry shook his head before walking away, slamming the door behind him.

Harry walked down the hall, having no idea where he was going. He knew that Clara was sorry about what she did, but he thought that if she had kept this secret from him for so long, what else was she hiding. He loved her so much that it hurts, but he needed time to think about this. He walked out the exit into the garden in the back of the hotel. He sat down on a park bench, resting his elbows on his knees. He ran a hand over his face, guilt washing over him. He left Clara alone, with her thinking that he hated her. Harry didn't even notice the footsteps coming towards him until the owner sat down beside him.

"Don't blame her?" Zayn said.

Harry sighed, "Don't talk to me, all you have done is ruining peoples lives since you came back" Harry yelled. Zayn remained silent, the only sound around them begin the cool breeze and ongoing cars.

"It's my fault and I get that, but you can't let her go, she is not herself unless she is with you, don't be stupid and let my actions ruin your relationship" Zayn replied before walking back into the hotel a ring placed in his pocket. Harry got up and walked after him. He caught up to him and pulled him into a hug, his tears pouring on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Zayn said to him.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for the way I have treated you since you came here" Harry replied.

"It's alright, I get it, I would have acted the same way, now go get her Harry," he said letting him go.

Harry nodded at his former bandmate and walked away back to the hotel room.

Harry burst open the front door, Clara stood up and before she could say anything Harry crashed his lips into hers.

She pulled away, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" she asked.

"What do you think?" Harry smiled before attaching his lips to hers again locking the door with his foot. He lifted her up onto the bed, not detaching their lips in the process, "I love you" He mumbled against her lips, "Likewise" she replied.


"Do you think she will say yes?" Zayn asked as they exited the plane.

He was nervous beyond belief.

"Yes, now shut up" Clara replied, slipping her hand into Harry's.

"I can't believe you proposed to her on national TV," Harry said.

"Trust me, it's harder than you think" Zayn replied. The three laughed and entered the airport.

Emily sat anxiously in the chair. She waited almost an hour for their plane to arrive and she couldn't wait any longer.

Once she laid eyes on Zayn she ran up and jumped on top of him, "Yes, yes, yes, I will marry you" she said to him.

Zayn laughed and wrapped his arms around her, "I was afraid you would say no" he replied. Clara and Harry smiled at them before walking to claim their luggage.

"How could a girl say no to a guy who proposed to her on television, I love you so much and I'm so sorry for the way I acted last time we spoke, I really-" Zayn silenced her blabbering with a sweet kiss.

Three weeks later:

"Clara I have great news" Harry smiled, closing the door behind him.

Clara confusedly looked down at the device in her hand while on the toilet.

"Oh my god, " she whispered. She quickly cleaned up the bathroom and made her way down the stairs.

"What is it?" she asked after giving him a quick kiss.

"The band is getting back together and we are going on a one year tour" Harry smiled, but it so faltered after seeing the expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"One year, that's a long time Harry, I'm not going to see you again until that year is over" Clara responded.

Harry shook his head, "No you're going to come with us" He smiled again.

Clara sighed, "I can't Harry, I'm pregnant".

Dun, Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn. Oh, my gee Clara is pregnant, eeep. How is Harry suppose to go on tour now?. Find out in the next chapter. Byeeee


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