2. Photograph

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The cool breeze passing through her hair, caused Clara to shiver. She wrapped her robe tighter around her waist. "Hey Clair-Bear I'll be back soon," Clara's husband smiled before walking over to her and kissing her lips. "Bye," he mumbled against her lips, before locking the door behind him and jogging to his car. He got in, not before giving her a small wave which she returned.

Clara got up and walked back into her house after watching her husband descend from their driveway to the street. She walked up her stairs, each step making a loud noise as she walked on it. She finally reached her bedroom door which was slightly ajar. She pushed it open and made her way to her closet.

Her hand traveled along her clothes, their silky fabric brushing her fingers. Clara bent down and pulled out a rustic chest. She brushed off the dust that was laying on its skin. "It's locked," she mumbled in disappointment. She tried to remember where she left the key, but it's been such a long time. She figured it was lost at her old house in which she lived with her father. Not ready to give up, Clara took a hairpin from her head and tried to unlock the box. After a few tries the clicking noise rang in Clara's ears causing her to smile.

She took a deep breath and opened the box. Inside laid photos of her childhood, souvenirs and charms. She frowned and took a picture into her hand, because it wasn't just any picture, it was the one from the day that everything started to unravel.


August 18, 2009

"Good morning babe," Eric smiled. She groaned in response pulling the covers over her head. "Babe, it's time to get up, it's your special day," he sang.

"What special day?" She asked even though her head was buried into a pillow.

"It's your birthday," he replied.

"I'll celebrate it tomorrow, " She said rolling over to face him. Clara smiled looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I don't think that's how it works," he said bringing her closer to him.

"Well that's what people who have a birthday on leap day do," Clara said placing her head on his chest.

"True, but today is not leap day, it's your day and we can do whatever you want:" he smiled kissing her forehead.

"Best boyfriend ever," she leaned up and kissed him.

"Ugh, morning breath," he said in disgust after they released the kiss. She stuck her tongue out at him before rolling out of the bed.

Clara laughed to herself as she looked at the picture. Eric had took a picture of them sleeping and wrote, 'Birthday drowsy' on it. Clara didn't even realize she was crying until a teardrop fell onto the picture.

"Happy Birthday, dear Clara, Happy birthday to you," her family sang before yelling as she blew out the candles. She couldn't think of anything to wish for because she already had everything she wanted. One being an amazing boyfriend who was absent at the moment. After cutting the cake and hugging a few relatives she broke away to go look for Eric.

After a few minutes of searching she found him outside on the phone. "Yeah okay thank you," he said before hanging up and huffing a breath.

"Eric, you okay?" She asks walking out to the porch a few moments later so she wouldn't look suspicious.

"Yeah," he mumbled before sitting on the back porch. He stared blankly up at the sky.

"Everyone's eating cake inside, lets go," she said not taking her eyes off him.

"I'm not really in the mood for cake right now, Clara," he said sounding quite angry.

"But-" she tried to argue ,but he cut her off.

"Just leave me alone," he yelled causing her to shrink down to ant size.

"Okay," she said tears brimming in her eyes. Eric had never risen his voice at her before, and seeing him that angry scared her.

She walks back into her house, wiping her tears and pretending like nothing happened. "Are you okay?" Her old friend Alice asked her. She looked towards her, noticing her brown eyes widened with concern and her brown hair bounce on her head as she ran towards Clara and embraced her in a hug .

"Yeah I'm fine , why you ask ?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh he hasn't told you yet?" she mumbled, now avoiding eye contact.

"Told me what?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Nothing," she said to loudly and scurried away , before she could call her back she felt someone tap on her shoulder.
Clara's smiled dropped at the thought of what happened next, for it was a birthday that she would never forget.
"Hey there," A tall boy smiled down at her. Placing his hand out for her to shake. She looked down at it then back up at him confused. She had never seen him before ,and if she did, she would have remembered his golden eyes and pitch black hair.

"Hi," she stated reluctantly shaking his hand.

"I'm Jake, your mom and mine used to be best friends" he smiled. Her heart dropped at the mention of her mother, she tired not to think about her today because her death anniversary was only a week away. Jake noticed the expression on her face and his softened. "I'm sorry, I am a horrible person for bringing up your mom at your birthday party, I'm so stupid, I-" he rambled on. She chuckled at his dorkiness.

"It's fine Jake honestly, it's nice to meet you," She said trying to lighten the mood.

"So are you enjoying the party?" Clara asked taking a sip of her soda.

" Yeah I am, your dad hosts great parties," he stated fidgeting with his hands.

"Nervous?" She says referring to his hands.

"What no," he said trying to act cool. She laughs in response, but stops when she sees Eric walking towards them.

He walked right up to them fuming. His face was bright red and she could almost see steam come out of his ears. "Eric?" She says confused , but he ignored her and grabbed Jake by his collar and pushed him against the wall. Her eyes widened as Eric raised his hand to punch him. "Eric, stop, what the hell are you doing?" She yelled. All her relatives eyes were on them, looking just as confused and concerned as she was.

"What are you doing talking to my girlfriend?" Eric yelled in Jake's face, completely ignoring her again. Jake didn't respond, but only looked confused and scared.

"Eric, get off of him" she yelled pulling his arm, only for him to push her off of him and fall to the ground. A hard object knocks her head causing her vision to go blurry.

She tries to get back up ,but her head starts to spin causing her to fall back down. "Clara you okay?" Her dad came rushing over to her, helping her up.

"Yeah," She said shaking her head and blinked a few times. Eric was still holding Jake against the wall, not even caring that he had pushed her.

"That's enough" her dad screamed pulling Eric off of Jake. Jake let out a sigh of relief, holding his chest. Clara looked at Eric and noticed his eyes were bright red, concluding he was high. She had only seen him like this once before, and after that he promised her he would never do it again. She should have known. "Eric, get out of my house right now," her dad yelled. Eric didn't even look at her as he walked right out her front door, her heart breaking more with every step he took.

Tell me what you think. What do you think is gonna happen next?

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