11. Moments

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"Ugh," Louis groaned, holding his head as he woke up. He looked around the room a confused look on his face. He didn't recognize his surroundings and he started to freak out.

"What the hell?" he mumbled throwing the cover off his body and standing up.

"Good morning " a feminine voice echoed causing Louis to jump out if his skin.

"Ah" He screamed. Eleanor chuckled and came out from the kitchen with a mug in her hand.

"Eleanor?" Louis asked, rubbing his eyes.

"What happened?" he asked, holding his throbbing head.

"Well, you showed up my house at 5:00 a.m., completely wasted, " Eleanor said sipping her coffee slowly.

"How did I even get here?" Louis said, confused looking at her.

"I don't know, but do you want some breakfast?" Eleanor offered.

"No, that's okay, thanks" Louis stretched and walked towards the door.

"Bye" Louis said, waving at her.

"Wait, if you ever need to come over you can just call first, yeah?" Eleanor smiled.

Louis laughed, "Sure, " he smiled and closed the door behind him.


"I'm worried about him" Clara said, swirling her spoon around in her tea.

"Why, you shouldn't be worried about him, he clearly wasn't worried about you" Harry replied before sipping his own tea. Clara sighed knowing he was right but she refused to believe that Louis had cheated on her, paparazzi always blew things out if proportion.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Harry asked placing his hand on her's.

"I don't know, I guess we aren't together anymore and there's now point in hurting each other like this" Clara said weakly.

"You don't think you could work things out?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

"Maybe, but I don't know if I want to" Clara said, looking Harry in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked carefully.

"I mean, maybe we could give us a try?" Clara said without thinking.

Harry's eyes widened, "Really?" he asked. Clara nodded her head smiling slightly.

"Maybe we should wait?" Harry said slowly.

Clara's face faltered, "Why?" she asked feeling rejected.

"Well, your not even properly broken up with Louis and afterwards you would have just gotten out of a divorce, do you really think you would want to move on so soon?" Harry asked honestly placing both hands in hers.

Clara realized how ridiculous she sounded, wanting to have an affair with Harry while she was still married sounded risky and stupid.

She laughed and shook her head, "You're right, but I still want you in my life, Harry" Clara smiled.

Harry smiled also, "Likewise, I mean of course I'm awesome and just look at this handsome face" He said confidently smiling at her.

"So that's what you call it" Clara laughed. Harry only rolled his eyes and intertwined his fingers with her's.

"So friends?" Harry asked connecting his eyes with Clara's.

"Friends, " she smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I'm pretty sure friends don't do that" Harry smiled, placing his hand on the burning skin there.

"Right, sorry" Clara giggled and walked over to the fridge.

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