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Clara sat on her bed, the other side of it empty. It's been a week since she's last talked to Harry. He was still here, but he moved back into his old room, leaving her alone. She examined her room, trying to keep her mind off of him. He had just jumped to conclusions so quickly and didn't give her a chance to talk, and now she was afraid she would lose him forever. Kendall finally left a few days ago, a weight was lifted off of her chest, knowing that she wouldn't have to see her every day following Harry around like a lost puppy. Clara sighed when her stomach grumbled, she still hadn't eaten breakfast yet and she wanted to, but she was afraid of the slight chance that she would run back into Harry. It was only her and him in the house now, considering everyone had to go back to their own lives.

Slowly Clara made her way down to the kitchen. She listened carefully to see if he was in the kitchen. She pushed the door open to find it unfortunately occupied. There Harry sat his back turned to her eating a bowl of cereal.

Clara took in a deep breath, "Harry, can you please talk to me?" she asked slowly. Harry ignored her voice and continued to eat his cereal. Clara frowned, walking over to him to sit next to him.

As soon as she sat he stood up, getting ready to walk away, but Clara grabbed his wrist. "Harry please I can't bear this anymore, " she whispered.

Harry sighed and shook his head, "There's nothing to talk about, " he responded his voice low and hoarse.

"Yes, there is Harry, I love and only you Harry I would never cheat on you, " Clara said, her voice cracking, tears brimming in her eyes. Harry turned around to look at her, his eyes red and puffy.

"I know that I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself" Harry admitted his head hanging low.

Clara looked confusedly up at him, "What?" she asked.

Harry avoided eye contact, "Forget it, " he tried to get out her grasp, but she stopped him standing up and embracing him.

"Can you please tell me what is going on?" she asked, sitting him down next to her. Harry shook his head a few tears falling down his face. It hurt Clara so much to see him this way, so weak and vulnerable.

"Kendall kissed me" Harry whispered.

Clara's eyebrows furrowed, "I know we all saw that " she said, referring to the day she first came and her wonderful entrance.

Harry shook his head once more, "No, she kissed me again and I didn't stop her" Harry cried.

Clara's face fell, she hesitated to ask the question that came to mind.

Clara's breath hitched, "So you accused me of cheating yet you are the one that cheated?" she asked her voice rising slightly.

"I know and I'm sorry I'm an idiot" he replied chuckling lightly.

"Do you still have feelings for her?" she hesitated.

"I don't know, but I know that kissing her reminded me of the way I felt when I was with her, and I was afraid to tell you," he said.

"So do you not want to be with me anymore?" Clara mumbled afraid of the answer.

"No, I love you too much and I'm not going to lose you, but I just want us to be honest with each other and move past this" Harry said grabbing her hands.

"This is exactly why I didn't want her here I was afraid of this," Clara said, "But I don't want to give up on us, I love you too" Clara smiled before kissing him.

"I'm glad we didn't break up I couldn't handle losing my clairbear" Harry smirked sneaking another kiss from her.

Clara laughed, "Can you please move back in now, I can't sleep without you next to me" Clara responded.

"Alright, now let's officially make up," Harry said, scooping her up in his arms causing her to giggle.


Emily walked up into his building anticipation running through her veins. Her stomach was starting to grow a little bit and she wanted to see Zayn. She wanted to discuss some things with him about the baby. When she finally reached his door, she was about to knock when she heard voices coming from inside. Curious, she pressed her ear to the door trying to catch the conversation.

"When did you come back?" a voice asked, it belongs to Zayn.

"About a few weeks ago, I went to see Ian," another voice said it sounding very feminine.

"Me too, I never knew how much I had missed of his life, but I don't think we should get involved, Clara doesn't think so either," Zayn said back. Emily was extremely confused as to what was going on, her eyebrows furrowing as she heard Clara name.

"Yeah, she is right, are you still dating that Emily girl?" The woman asked. Emily pressed her ear closer to the door.

"Yeah, I am she actually is pregnant" Zayn replied.

"Pregnant wow congrats, its funny, I used to think that we would be the ones to start a family together, but I guess things change," the woman said.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about the way I treated you when you were carrying Ian, I just didn't know what to do, I was only eighteen, wasn't exactly ready to be a dad," Zayn said. Emily backed away from the door, tears forming in her eyes, she suddenly felt betrayed and hurt. Zayn wasn't a person that liked to talk about his past. And now she knew why. With tears running down her face Emily ran out of the building, her heart beating wildly in her chest every part of her body hurting. Unfortunately, she isn't looking and ran into the street. The last thing she remembered was a loud honking noise and a burning sensation all over her body.

I love leaving you guys with cliffhangers. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and leave your comments about it and vote

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