Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

"What? I didn't know you until my surgery", He said. He was really confused. I knew he forgot who I was when he said he knew I was his doctor.

"I have known you since we were 8. We began dating at 13. We were together when you were taken. I knew you forgot who I was when you said I was just your doctor. No one but Niall, you, Liam, and I knew. You weren't out and neither was I. We were completely in love", I explained.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I didn't want to overwhelm you. You have been missing for 10 years. I knew you would forget about me. I never forgot you. I also never cheated. It felt to wrong", I informed him.

"Do you have proof of this?" He asked. I nodded.

I grabbed out my phone and I went to my gallery. I pulled up an album named "My Love". I handed him the phone.

He scrolled through and picked a random photo. It was the photo of me and him. It was our 1 year anniversary. It was a picture of us kissing.

He began to cry.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I remember this day. I don't remember the rest but I remember this one day", he said.

"That is good you are starting to remember", I said with a smile.
"You never cheated on me?" He asked. He was surprised.

"I never slept with any one. I never even kissed my fiancé. I didn't have to. It was an arranged marriage so I didn't have to kiss her. I loved you too much. Why are you so surprised?"

"I was gone for 10 years. You never cheated on me. I am happy. I'm amazed. How did I get such an amazing boyfriend?" he asked.

Did he say boyfriend? I look over at Liam and Niall. They have their eyes wide. They were as shocked as I was.

"Did you say b-b-boyfriend", I stuttered.

He nodded.

I ran up to him and kissed him. It was slow and gentle but passionate. He held my very
tight in his arms. I could feel warm tears falling on my cheeks. It was amazing. I have missed his lips. I have waited 10 years for this.

We were interrupted by the door opening. It was Officer Hood.

"What do you want Officer Hood?" I asked.

"We need to speak with Harry", he said as Officer Sheeran and Officer Irwin walked in.

I looked at Harry. He nodded hesitantly.

"You can talk to him but I have to stay here", I stated.

"No. You can't be here when we talk to him.

"No. I have to be here. He had heart surgery. I need to monitor him. You can talk but I need to be here", I informed them.
They shook their heads no. "Are you okay if I was in here during this, Harry?" I asked.

"No. You can stay", Harry said with a smirk.

The officers sat in the chairs that were by his bed. I sat in the corner of the room keeping an eye on them.

"Who kidnapped you?" Officer Hood asked.

"His name is a mystery", Harry said.

"Who choked you?" Officer Hood asked Harry.

"Nick Grimshaw. He was the helper of the man that took me", Harry explained.

"Do you know what your kidnapper looked like?"

"He had brown eyes. He also had dark brown almost black hair. He was white too",
Harry said looking at me.

"Is there anything else?" I asked.

"One more question", Officer Hood explained. "Do you know where you were being held?"

"I don't know. I was able to escape because he left my door unlocked and I ran. I got to his car and he left his keys in it so I got in and drove. I couldn't see where I was going so I drove into a pole. That is how I ended up here", Harry said.

"Okay. If you remember anything else, Dr. Tomlinson has my number. Ask for Calum Hood", Officer Hood informed Harry.

He nodded and lied back down.

"How do you feel?" I knew he was probably sad since he had to relive his nightmare.
"Better now that I have you", he said grabbing my hand.

"Do you know anything about my family?" Harry asked after a little silence.

"Your mom, Anne, never gave up hope that you were alive. Your sister, Gemma, has had a very difficult time since you went missing. Your father has never been in your life so I have no clue about him", I told him.

"Can you call them?" Harry asked.

I nodded and got up. I left the room and called Anne and Gemma.

(Anne in bold and Louis in italics)


Hey Anne it is Louis Tomlinson.

Louis I haven't talk to you in 5 years. How are you?

I am great. I have news. Is Gemma there?

Gemma is here. You are on speaker.

You and Gemma need to get to the hospital I work at now


A car accident came in earlier today. Its him. Its Harry.

I could hear muffled crying

We will be there in two hours. She then hung up.

I walked back into Harry's room.

"They are on their way", I told him. He motioned for me to join him in his bed.
We cuddled together. He put his head on my chest and careful not to pop a suture.

His breathing evened out and I knew he was asleep.

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