Artemis Fowl - Be the One ✔

Start from the beginning

"Does it have to be a special occasion for me to take my girlfriend somewhere special?" He smiles. You give him a confused look but smile anyway.

"So... I didn't forget our anniversary?" He shakes his head and softly laughs at your confusion.

"No, you did not. Now it's about time for your surprise! Put on that dress I packed for you and let's go!" He smiles and you obey, grabbing the blue dress from the suitcase and changing into it in the bathroom. You quickly do a bit of your makeup that you brought with you, put your hair in a nice bun, and slip on your silver flats. When you walk out, you look up at Artemis to see him grinning.

"Well, you look sexy." He says with a smug smirk.

You grin. "Oh stop." 

"Why? I mean I thought relationships were built on honesty." He replied, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Well, in that case, you don't look too bad yourself." You said with a wink.

"Too bad we can't just stay in the hotel." He said, walking over to you and pulling you into a kiss. You broke away and hummed, the smile never leaving your face.

"Yeah, too bad, right?" he chuckled and took your hand, heading towards the door.

"C'mon, let's go."

You both walk together silently hand in hand, enjoying the sights and everything around you. When you turn to Artemis, he gives you a loving look.

"What?" you grin and question him.

"Nothing. Just wondering how someone like me got so lucky." he kisses you on the cheek and your grin grows wider.

"Oh stop." you chuckle playfully, "Where are we going anyways?"

"You'll see. Well, actually you won't." As he says that you give him a confused look, "I'm going to have to blindfold you so it stays a surprise, okay?" you sigh and nod and stop so he can put the blindfold on you. He stops with you and pulls a blindfold out of his jacket pocket, putting it carefully over your eyes. After this he grabs your hand again and continues walking, leading the way for you.

A few minutes later you find yourself walking up a lot of stairs, and you decide to count them as you are still being carefully lead by Artemis. He stops you as you count the 669th step.

"669 steps oh my god, is there anymore? Because wow, you just know how much I love to climb stairs. Great workout, really." You joke, lightly panting as you speak and obviously exhausted. Artemis just chuckles as he also pants lightly.

"Nope, no more steps. Can you guess where we are, though?" he asks as he leads you onward.

"Well, we're in Paris, that was a lot of steps, and I can currently feel a strong windy breeze meaning we're high up so.... the Eiffel Tower?" you deduce as you are being lightly pulled forward, not fully grasping the fact that you are, in fact, on the Eiffel Tower. He takes off the blindfold, revealing the beautiful scene of all of Paris underneath you and a small table covered with a white table cloth with two chairs. The table itself has a pretty vase of red roses and two plates with (F/F) on them. You gasp in delight and, for the second time today, attack Artemis in hugs.

"Oh-my-god-this-is-so-beautiful-and-amazing! Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!" You rush out your words, making them barely understandable. Artemis just smiles and hugs you back, understanding little of your words but at least knowing you're happy.

"Anything for you, my dear." is what he replies with as he kisses you on the forehead and leads you to the table, pulling out your seat like a gentleman and going to his seat afterward. You say a small thank you and you both start eating and talking, enjoying every moment of it. Once you're both done he gets out his phone and starts playing your song [That's a queue to play the song now]. He stands up and holds out his hand for you to take. you smile up at him and take his extended hand, getting up and slow dancing with him.

"God," You say, laughing light heartedly, "We're so cheesy!" He grins and chuckles along with you.

"What would a trip to Paris be without a little cheesy romance." he questions, spinning you and moving you both to the rhythm of the music.

You look up in his miss-matched eyes and smirk. "I love you, Artemis. More than anything."

"Well, you know what? I think I love you more." You grin and so does he, knowing full well how cliche he is being.

You both dance quietly, loving every minute of it. Once the music gradually stops, he stops dancing with you and leads you over to the railing. He looks nervous, but gets down on one knee anyway, and pulls out a black box, looking up at you. "I don't think I've ever felt this way with anyone before, and I don't think I ever will. You're always the one there to make me smile, make me laugh. The one to understand what I'm actually talking about unlike everyone else," he chuckles a little at that, "And I love you for it. I never actually thought I was going to get married, or any of that. But, once I met you, all of that changed. I fell in love with every part of you. Your smile, your laugh, your personality, your quirks, all of you is beautiful to me. And I want to see it every day and for the rest of my life. So, (Y/F/N), will you be my one and only, and marry me?" He looks up at you with hopeful eyes. You suddenly burst into tears, both of your hands covering your mouth, and you nod yes as you hold out your left hand. He gets up and slips the beautiful diamond ring on your finger, then proceeding to wipe away all your tears. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply for as long as you can and eventually pull away to catch your breath.

"I love you so much, Artemis, you have no idea." You grin, your tears now mostly dried.

"Oh trust me, (Y/N), I think I have an idea." You lightly punch his arm for the sarcastic comment.

"Way to kill the moment, Arty." you laugh.

"Sorry," he lightly chuckles, "I love you too, (Y/N)."

So that was my first ever oneshot! I hope you guys liked it! And I'm sorry it was so long, I just had a lot of ideas for this! Leave a comment or vote if you did like it though, and I hope to see you in many other oneshots yet to come! See ya!

Updated Author's Note: You have no idea how much I changed this, haha, but I still kept some of the main parts. I address how cheesy this is, but hey like I mean I tried. I think the edited version is, obviously much better :D Hope you liked it
Stay beautiful ;)
- Kassey

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