Chapter 30 - Saying goodbye

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Today was the day.

The day we all leave for tour.

It's been 2 months since me and Luke had our last actual conversation.

Nobody knows what's going on anymore.

I've talked to Ashton obviously, and I've seen the boys briefly.

I mostly just text or call them because we have all been so busy.

They leave today and I don't actually leave until tomorrow but I just asked if I could leave a day early navies I don't want to be alone.

To be honest, I was supposed to leave happy and in tears because I'm leaving the boys.

Instead I'll be happy because I'm leaving Luke and in tears coz I'm leaving the boys.

He hasn't even bothered to Auvergne a proper conversation with me, but then again Neither did I.

I guess he was right when he said there was never anything between us.

Now we have nothing more to say to each other.

It's sad that we are leaving on these type of terms. We haven't even told the boys what happened.

The main reason is because we don't know ourselves.

Well. I should really have a shower and change into something special before I go to the airport to say goodbye to the boys.

If only they did a uk tour too, then maybe none of this would have happened.

God, I need to have a jam session in the shower right now and forget this.

After my shower I invited the girls over. They are going on tour with the boys so we all decided to meet them there before all of them leave.

They are also the only ones who know about Luke.

"So. Have you spoke to him yet?" Kat asked referring to Luke.

"Nope, none of us have done anything" I answered.

"Violet, it's been 2 months since you two argued. Make up already" Chelsea sighed.

"And make out" Kat winked.

"I don't even know what I want to do about it anymore guys. Maybe these tours are for the best. We will both have time to be alone and think" I suggested.

"And move on" Chelsea added with a frown.

"No. It wouldn't be like that" I argued.

"Yeah your right, it wouldn't. Because Luke is a fuckboy, unless you two are together" Kat says.

"Yep. Your the only girl he's ever had a relationship with, and you'll probably be the last" Chelsea agreed.

"Well apparently it was nothing so...." I said turning around to pick something to wear.

"That's not what he meant and you know it" Kat defended.

"Stop making excuses and face the facts" Chelsea mumbled.

"Which are?" I questioned with my hand on my hip.

"You were afraid of what would happen if you two were separated" Kat began.

"So you let him go the easy way to avoid everything" Chelsea finished.

"What...I....that', that's not true at all" I stuttered.

"We all know it is" Kat smirked.

Maybe she was right. It would make sense of why I got so mad and tried to make up an argument to everything he said. Then the pushing him away for 2 months.

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