Chapter 28 - im going on tour?!

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I woke up next to Luke.

No, we did not do the dirty okay?!

I got up and checked all the notifications I got while I was asleep.

I also saw I had a call from my manager.

"Hey Luke wake up" I said shaking him then giving him a few pecks on his face to wake him up.

"You know, that would be a good way to wake up every morning" he smirks with his hot morning voice and kisses me.

"Come on. I've got to get changed and phone my manager" I laughed.

"Okay. Change then" he said not removing his smirk.

"Ewww. PERV!" I shrieked with a giggle.

"Alright alright. I'm going" he said putting his hands up mockingly in defeat and leaving the room.

When he left I decided to take a shower and then change into some sensible clothes.

I wore a simple pair of jeans and a crop top with a jacket then tied my hair Ito a pony tail.

For my makeup I put on some mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. Nothing major.

I put everything in my bag before leaving the room and going downstairs.

"Hey. Where are you going?" Ashton asked as I was about to leave.

"To see my manager. He called me this morning" I explained.

"Eat first!" Michael said acting like my mom.

"Michael!!!!!" I wined.

"I could make you wine better then that" Luke whispered suggestively in my ear with a smirk.

"Okay bye now" I stuttered while basically running out of the house with flaming red cheeks.

Oh my gosh.

I soon got to my managers office ready to hear why I was called here.

"I have some important news for you Violet" my manager smiled.

"Oh okay. What is it?" I asked getting to the point.

"Well I've been speaking to a lot of people and we have arranged a uk tour" he smiled.

"OMG ARE YOU SERIOUSLY!!!" I screamed in joy.

"Yep. The tour is in 2 months, so better get yourself ready and prepared"

"Omg thank you so much" I smiled and even gave my manager a hug.

"Bye, have fun" he smiled.

"Bye, sir" I sang skipping out of the room.

As I walked out of the building I bumped into Zedd.

"Omg hey" I smiled.

"Someone's in a really good mood" Zedd laughed.

"Actually yes. I was just given the best news ever. It actually made getting out of bed worth it" I giggled.

"Oh really. Well I'm on my way to grab some lunch, would you like to come with me and tell me about your amazing news?" He asked.

"Yeah sure" I smiled as he led us to a cafe to eat.

Instead of a cafe, we needed up at a diner and I told him everything from the boys going on tour then me.

"Ayeee congrats Violet!" He cheered "tell the boys the same"

"Will do" I smiled.

Then it hit me. The boys. I was supposed to go on tour with them, but we leave at around the same time for separate tours, and theirs is for longer then mine.

"What's up vi?" Zedd asked sensing my sudden change of mood.

"I'm not going to be able to be with the boys for ages" I sulked.

He then got up and gave me a hug.

"That's the price you Gotta pay for showbiz kid" he said flatly.

"I'm gonna miss them. I've only just got back" I said trying to stop myself from crying.

"Yep, I get you. I haven't seen my family for 7 months due to the tours and the travelling band the singles that I've had to make with everyone" he said sadly.

"I'm so sorry Zedd" I said hugging him.

"It's just part of being famous kid" he shrugged.

We soon went our separate ways and I went back to the house.

Ashton wasn't home yet so I just went to my room.

How do I tell them this?

I'll wait until tomorrow.
Hey guys.
I am so sorry about the wait.
I've had problems with my phone and charger.
I hope this was worth it.
Only 2 chapters left now I think.
Make sure to comment and vote xx


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