Chapter 21 - The kissing scene

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Today was the last scene for the movie.

It's been a couple of months and to be honest, I'm glad it's over. Dancing, singing and acting all at the same time. That really isn't my thing.

I woke up next to Luke, again. I don't know why, but every time he sleeps over with the guys he always ends up in my bed. Oh my gosh, I worded that so wrong.


I struggled to get out of bed due to the 6 foot boy tangled in my bed covers. Again, worded that so wrong.

Anyway, I lightly poked him until he woke up.




"Go away" he mumbled.




"For fucks sake. What!" He shouted.

"We have to get up and get ready. Unless you want to be late, and explain this" I said motioning to us in the same bed "to Ashton"

"No thanks. Let's get ready" he grumbled.

Not going to lie. His morning voice is hot.

Okay maybe hot is an understatement, but you get the idea.

After we got ready, in different rooms, we went downstairs.

Luckily none of the boys were awake.

Or that's what we thought.

"Ahh, so this is where you've been every time you sleep over" Michael smirked.

"Woah, wait. It's not what you think" I blushed.

"Mmhmm. That's what they all say. Just wait till I tell Ashton" he laughed evilly.

"Dude. Shut up before I shave your hair off" Luke sassed.

Damn. I thought I was the only one who sassed when they were tired.

"I'll explain everything later okay. Don't tell Ashton anything" I begged.

"I'm only joking V. I do not want Ashton to go into big brother mode again thanks" he laughed.

He then left.

Omg, damn. Luckily it was just Michael.

That doesn't make it any harder to explain.

We were finally at the studio for the last time. This was the last scene.

We have done the dancing and singing now it's just the last piece of acting then we are done.

"Okay. And then you guys kiss" the director explained.

Woah, what. Oh wait. The kissing scene.

I don't know why, but I don't feel right kissing other people.

Besides Luke

My inner voice really needs to shut up.

"3.....2.....1....ACTION!!" The director yells.

Me and drew do our acting thing. Now the kiss.

God I can't do this.

I seriously need to stop being so innocent.

Come on Violet. You can do this.

We then kissed.

"ANDDDDD CUT!!!!" The director yells.

Finally, it's over.

I've got nothing against Drew, but seriously? That was so fake.

I felt nothing.

Well at least I know I won't get feelings for cast members in the future.

"I guess this is it" Drew said giving me a hug.

"Yep. It's been good working with you" I smiled.

I was seriously going to miss him.

"Hey. You've got my number. Give me a text or call anytime. We are best friends remember?" Drew joked with a smile.

"Hell yeah!" I fist bumped the air.

"Well. See ya at the premier" he said giving me one last hug before saying goodbye.

"Byeeee!!!" I waved as he exited the building.

I went over to the boys.

"Are we going yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go" Ashton said giving me a hug of his own.

"You were amazing" Calum said as we entered the car.

"Uh thanks cal" I smile shyly.

I still wasn't used to this.

Let's go home.

When we got home I thought that Luke would have talked to me.


He has ignored me and everyone else since shooting finished. What is wrong with him?

He has that same expression that he had when we were in the dressing rooms and I was dancing with Drew.

It can't be jealousy, can it?

But that would mean.........
No way. Luke can't like me. Nahhh

I spotted Luke go past my door.

"Luke!" I whisper yelled to him.

"What" he said dismissively.

"Aren't you coming in?" I asked. This has become a tradition everytime he comes over.

"Nah. I'll take the sofa" he said then just walked downstairs.

"Well goodnight to you too" I said sarcastically.

What is wrong with him?
Hey guys.
It's been awhile.
Sorry, I've been busy again.
Still have no idea where this book is going.
Hope you enjoyed.
Picture of Violet and drew for you.
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