Chapter 27 - Big news for the boys

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Me, the boys, Chelsea and Kat all decided to come back to Ashton's house last night, so right now we are all waiting for breakfast.

"Hurry up Ashton!" Kat yelled.

"Alright babe. Calm down" Ashton laughed.

"Aghh!" Michael groaned.

Yep Michael is technically like 7th wheeling. There's me and Luke, Ashton and Kat, Calum and Chelsea, then there's him.

He does have that friend.......

But I'm not getting involved in that.

Ashton finally finished breakfast and we all sat there eating.

Suddenly Ashton's phone decides it's a good time to ring.

"Excuse me" Ashton said walking out of the room.

We all finished breakfast and washed up by the time Ashton got back.

"Hey. What was that about?" I asked

"We need to go to the studio. Apparently there's news for us" Ashton smiled.

"Oh okay. Let's go" Calum said putting his plate in the dish washer.

Michael grabbed his keys and we headed to his car.

"Hey we Gotta go" Kat says heading to her own car.

"But tell us how it goes" Chelsea said giving Calum a quick hug then getting in Kat's car.

We all got into Michaels car and headed to the studio.

"Let's go" Ashton said as the car began.

We got to the studio in no time and suddenly the boys were kinda scared.

Awh, bless.

"Come on guys. It won't be bad" I smiled taking Luke's hand.

Luke then eased up and smiled back.

"Come on. She's right"

All the boys followed behind and we went to the manager.

"Hey boys, Violet" he smiled.

See I knew this couldn't be bad. They are amazing.

"I have some news" he said vaguely.

"Which is?" Calum asked.

"Good" he answered simply.

"Awe. Come on dudes. Just tell us" Michael groaned. He seriously isn't a morning person.

"Your going on tour" he smiled.

"Wait seriously" Luke smiled.

"Yep. Better start packing" he said then left the room.

Out of nowhere Luke grabbed my waist and picked me up while hugging me.

"OMG THIS IS AMAZING!" I shrieked.

"I KNOW RIGHT!" Luke yelled back.

We all had a group hug.

"Congrats you guys. Your going on tour" I said giving the biggest smile I could.

"V, your obviously coming with us" Michael smiled ruffling my hair.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Of course vi. You come everywhere with us. Remember" Calum winked.

We all had another group hug as a smiled.

I'm going on tour with 5sos.


We all went to Michaels House to play video games.

Obviously Michael kicked everyone's ass.

"I'll go order pizza" Calum said grabbing his phone.

He then left the room to go order as Michael and Ashton carried on playing games.

"Hey. You wanna go somewhere for a second?" Luke asked.

I couldn't help but notice the little smirk he was trying to hide.

"Sure" I winked and we got up.

We didn't say anything to the boys because they were too busy playing video games to notice we left.

"Come on" Luke said grabbing my hand a pulling me into a spare room.

He explained that this is the room he uses when he sleeps over Michaels house.

He closed the door and locked it and before I knew it he pushed me up against a wall and started kissing me.

If Ashton knew what we were doing now..........

As I ignored that thought and decided to just make out with Luke. My phone decided it was a perfect time to start buzzing with Twitter notifications.

And that was my perfect night with Luke over.

Being famous sometimes sucks.
Hey guys.
Another chapter as promised.
I'll be trying to finish the books soon so there will be more chapters soon.
Again, I'm sorry I haven't been on here for a while.
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