Chapter 12 - back to school

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Devon Kingston.

I am officially starting my first day at Devon Kingston. My new school. Even though the boys would be with me I'm still nervous. What if people didn't like me.

Or they just want to be fake friends due to my new fame. Why did I agree to this?

After Paris me and the boys decided to chill for the week and get ready for school. That day is finally here.

"Hurry up Parma Violet. We are gonna be late on your first day!" He yelled from down the stairs.

"Coming!!" I yelled back.

I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs.

"Ready for your first day of school?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I sighed.

We then headed outside into Ashton's car.

First day of school here we come.

"We're here" Ashton said getting out of the car.

"Oh okay" I mumbled getting out of the car and keeping my head down.

We entered the school and all eyes were in me. I hated this attention. I felt like I was being judged. I never told Ashton, but when I was living with dad I got bullied at my old school. That's the reason I've moved here. I don't want to tell him because I know what he's like.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Ashton asked while putting his arm around me protectively.

"Uh yeah. Can we just go to the head teachers office?" I asked still keeping my head down.

"Yeah sure" Ashton smiled sadly and took me.

Once I got there he told me that he will meet me at my locker after my class. I nodded and headed into the head teachers office. Crap, I forgot her name.

"Hello, miss Irwin" she smiled politely.

"Um hello, miss...-" I paused getting embarrassed.

"My names Miss Collins" she said gesturing to the name tag.

"Oh. Hello, Miss Collins" I smiled sheepishly. I hate moving schools.

"Anyway. I'm here to give you your time table for today and someone to help you around the school. Since I already know that you know Calum, Luke and Michael" she started to explain. "I decided to pair you up with a girl so you'd have a new friend" she smiled.

I hope she's nice.

"Miss Jones" she called. Soon after a orange haired girl entered the room. Her hair was wavy and she had a fringe. She was also a little shorter then me and very slim. She gave me a smile and wave. She looks nice.

"Miss Jones, this is our new student Miss Irwin. I have assigned you to be her partner to help her around the school. I hope you make her feel welcome" she smiled.

"Will do Miss" she replied the opened the door for me.

I grabbed my time table and gave Miss Collins a finale thank you then left.

"I'm katniss, but you can call me Kat" she smiled putting out her hand.

"I'm Violet, and most people just make up their own nicknames for me" I giggled shaking her hand.

As we started talking a bell went signalling that it was time for our first class.

"What have you got first?" She asked looking at my timetable.

"Science with Mr James then Music with Mrs Davies" I replied.

"Cool. I have science with Mr James too. I don't take music though" she said as she led me to science.

We walked for a bit then suddenly came across a door. Here we go.

"This is it" she said walking through.

I took a deep breathe then entered the room myself.

Everyone's eyes were on me again. I found Kat had taken her seat and I also saw Luke and Michael in seats the row behind her.

As I stood there awkwardly the teacher finally noticed me and turned around.

"Welcome, you must be Violet" he said smiling at me. He then motioned for me to stand I front of the class. Agh!

"Class this is our new student Violet Irwin" Mr James began while there was mumbling when he said my name. "I want you to welcome her to Devon Kingston and treat her well" he said with a slight warning in his voice.

"You may sit where you want" he smiled and went back to the board.

I quickly took a seat next to Kat as she got out her books and equipment. This is going to be one hell of a day.

It was almost lunch time and I've never been happier to get food. I am starving. After science with Kat, Luke and Michael I had music with Luke. Then I had English with Calum, Luke and Kat  then finally I had math with Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael.

It seems like Luke is in all my classes.

Right now I was with the boys standing in the cue to get lunch. I decided to get a burger with water. I waited for the boys then we grabbed a table.

I saw Kat at a table with a brunette so I decided to go over and say hi.

"Hey Kat. Do you mind if we sit here?" I asked.

"Go ahead" she smiled while moving over so me and the boys could grab chairs and come over.

"Violet this is my friend Chelsea, chelsea this is Violet the new girl" Kat introduced us.

"Hey" we both greeted at the same time with a smile.

I then noticed that. Chelsea had long brown ringlets and she had quite dark skin. She was also tall and had an amazing figure. She could be a model.

"Well I'm guessing you both know Luke, Calum, Michael and my brother Ashton.

"Wait, this is your brother?" kat asked making ashton snap out of his daze. He then looked at her with his mouth hung open

"Wait. This is the Kat you were talking about?" He asked as they stared at each other.

"Yeah, why?" I replied getting confused.

"We're dating" they both mumbled at the same time.
Hey guys.
Ashton's new girlfriend has been revealed.
Violet has started school.
Picture of Violet with Kat and Chelsea at the top.
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