Chapter 26 - Everyone is friends again.

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So today I decided that it's about time ash and Luke became bros again.

It's been 2 weeks since they have spoken.

They have been to the studio to rehearse and record music but they are always in different rooms.

This had to stop, either that or 5sos had to.

I decided to talk to Ashton first since he's hasn't even been talking to me that much.

He just gave me the occasional 'hey' ,'I'm going out'  ,'good night' and 'what do you want for lunch'.

It was horrible.

Ashton had never ignored me, or argued with me for that matter. We have been close since a young age and never argued or got mad at each other.

This was something different and I didn't like it at all.

Time to try and sort this out.

I went upstairs and knocked his door.

"Hey ash, can I come in?" I asked.

"Whatever" he mumbled.

I walked in and saw him writing lyrics.

"What you writing?" I asked trying to create small talk.

"Music, since none of the other boys will" he huffed.

"I could help" I offered.

"Violet, don't take this the wrong way, but you can't write for shit" he laughed.

"I can" I defended.

"Oh really?"


"Prove it"

"Okay fine I---- wait what?" I asked.

"Prove it" he laughed.

"Well I can't right now......" I said sheepishly.

"Mmhmm, that's what I thought" he chuckled while ruffling my hair.

"Hey!!" I squealed while patting my hair down.


"Ash, I'm sorry"

"Violet don't" he sighed.

"No, I will Ashton" I said standing up.

"V-" he started but I cut him off.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you okay, but don't you think it would be a little awkward just casually bringing that up in conversation?"


"Like, how were we supposed to say it?" I asked.


"We're we supposed to be like 'oh by the way we are dating now? Like seriously Ash there's not really any way to say it where you would have been cool with it"


"Well I mean unles-"

VIOLET!" Ashton yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"Let me speak" he sighed.

"Sorry" I apologised.

"Violet, I'm sorry that you thought you couldn't tell me. I guess your right, I would have been mad either way. What you don't understand is I'm your brother, I have to be this way. Plus I was mad because Luke was right, I won't let you grow up, but now that I've had time to think about it I'm glad that you chose Luke. You know why?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because as much of a flirt he is, I knew that he is my best friend and would never hurt you, because he really cares for you and wants to be with you. I also know that he's scared of me so that's another reason he wouldn't hurt you" he joked.

"Ash. I'm so happy we are all okay now. I hated not being this close with you." I cried while hugging him.

"I know Parma Violet. I'm so sorry" he said returning the hug and kissing my forehead.

"Does this mean you'll talk to Luke?" I asked.

"Of course Violet"

We drove to Luke's house and knocked the door.

Luke answered.

"Uh hi" he said shaking a bit.

My poor baby, he's scared.

Eww, did I really just say 'my poor baby'.

"Can we come in?" I asked.

He looked at Ashton and he smiled. Luke soon eased up a bit.


We walked into his house and all took a seat in the living room.

"Can I be excused. I think this is more between you two?" I asked feeling uncomfortable.

"Sure. Go to my room if you want. My laptops in there" he shrugged.


"Second room on the left" he answers reading my mind.

"Thanks" I smile.

I went upstairs and left the boys.
Hey guys.
Hope you liked the chapter.
Are they friends again?
Let's find out
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