Chapter 10 - break with the boys

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Finally, a break.

I have been here for almost 5 months now and it's been non stop work.

Today I finally get a two week break and the best part is, the boys do too.

We all decided to go on holiday since it would be nice, plus we will be back in school when we get back.

I had finished packing and now I just had to change. I wore my blue and black all-in-one with black flats. For my hair I straightened it and for my makeup I did the usual, this time I had red lipstick instead of lipgloss. I decided to add silver hoop earrings and I put on my black jacket.

Time to go to Paris. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we were going to Paris. We decided to go there since none of us have been so it would be a new experience for us. It's a pity there won't be any other girls there though. This is why I need to make friends when I start school.

"Parma Violet, are you ready??" Ashton shouted from down stairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming!!!" I replied.

I got downstairs and all the boys were there. They all had their suit cases and were ready to go.

Luke started checking me out because I could feel his stare in me. I suddenly felt self cautious and wanted to change, but I didn't.

I then noticed Michaels hair.

"Blue?" I asked.

"Yep" he replied.

Michael had dyed some of his hair blue. It suited him a lot.

"Looks nice" I complimented him.

"Not as nice as you" he replied with a wink which earned his a scowl from Ashton.

"Chill dude. I'm kidding" he said putting his hands up in defeat.

"Whatever. Let's go" he said then we all went in the car to drive to the airport.

This is going to be amazing.

We were currently on the plane and I was sitting next to.......Luke.

I don't know what it is with him but one minute I like him and the next minute he is making me feel awkward and I think he's a man whore.

What is he doing to me?

"So........" I said awkwardly trying to start a conversation.

I started to talk but I got no reply. I then turned and I saw Luke laughing at me.

"What?!" I asked getting annoyed.

Once he calmed down he took out earphone that i didn't even know he was wearing.

"I didn't hear a thing you said" he smirked.

"Agh forget it. Your so annoying!" I yelled turning my head so I didn't have to face him.

Why did I have to sit next to Luke, why not Ashton or the other boys?

The worst part is the boys are sitting really far in different seats so I can't even find them. Agh!

Suddenly I felt someone's hand touch my chin and turn my head. Obviously it was Luke. He had his usual smirk on his face.

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