Chapter 22 - A jelous Luke?

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Today I woke up in a bad mood.

It's been 3 days since Luke has talked to me and to be honest it's actually getting in my nerves.

I am putting an end to this.

But first, lets get ready.

Today wasn't anything special so I just decided on wearing simple black jeans with a black, long sleeved crop top.

For my hair, I just left it down. Then for my makeup I just put on mascara and I tiny bit of eyeliner.

Time to sort this out with Luke.

God, why are boys so annoying.

And they try to say that girls are worse. What is this world coming to.

I went downstairs and to my luck I found everyone but Luke.

Ashton was making food with Calum, while Michael played video games.

I'm actually glad Michael hasn't noticed me yet. I still have to explain the whole me and Luke thing to him. But the thing is, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be explaining. What is actually going on.

I decided to check the back garden for Luke.

After a couple of minutes of searching, I finally found him in a private part of the back garden we use to hide away from the paparazzi and use for privacy from the house.

Well, better start talking I guess.

"Hey" I said awkwardly while taking a seat not too close from him.

No reply.

"Seriously Luke. It's been 3 days" I huffed.

No reply.

"LUCAS HEMMINGS, WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE!!!" I yelled losing my temper.

Well I did say I was in a bad mood.

He looked a little taken back by my outburst, but not that surprised. He just looked up at me.

"Trust me. If I could tell you I would" he mumbled.

"What does that even mean?" I asked still not letting go of my sass just yet.

"That if it was you. I would tell you" he said like he was speaking to a four year old.


It's not me??

Now I'm even more confused.

"If I've done nothing wrong then why are you ignoring me?" I asked finally letting go of the sass and replacing it with confusion.

"Because I'd rather ignore you then accidentally tell you" he replied standing up.

"Why won't you just tell me what's wrong number with you!" I yelled.

"Because it doesn't make sense okay?!" He growled back.

"WHAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE??!!" I screamed.

"THE FACT THAT I WAS FUCKING JEALOUS  VIOLET!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Wait, what?" I asked just above a whisper.

He was.......jealous?

"Get what I mean?" He mumbled looking down.

"Not really" I answered honestly.

"Neither do I Violet" he sulked.

"Can you try and explain this. Because I'm completely lost right now?"  I asked him.

"I'm jealous okay? I'm jealous when ou hug, kiss, talk or even look at other guys Violet. I am jealous" he sighed then walked away.

Wait Luke's jealous???!

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