Chapter 1 - meeting 5sos

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Today I was back in Australia to see my brother Ashton. I haven't seen him for 10 years and he's been up to a lot. He told me that he is now in a hit band called 5 seconds of summer. I was supposed to come back earlier but his band was having their first tour, so I decided to wait. Now I'm back.

"ASH!!!" I yelled as a ran down the street.

"PARMA VIOLET!!!!" He yelled back and gave me a hug.

Parma violet was the nickname he gave me because they were my favourite candies as a child. Apart for occasional visits, I haven't been with Ashton since I was 6.

"I've missed you" Ashton smiled when we broke the hug.

"I've missed you too. Now tell me about your band" I smiled back.

He told me that his band were called 5 seconds of summer and had four people in it. Their names were Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, himself and Luke hemmings. They are pop punk and they started out doing covers on YouTube.

Then he told me about the tour they had. They were a supporting act for one direction and now everybody can't stop talking about them. They have now brought out their first single called she looks so perfect. It's actually a really good song.

"That sounds amazing" I cheered.

"I know right" he chuckled.

"So when am I going to meet your friends" I asked him.

"Actually they will be here to pick us up in about 25 minutes" Ashton replied.

"What!?" I squealed.

"What's wrong with that" he asked.

"I have to change!" I yelled running into the house with Ashton laughing behind me.

I had a quick shower then changed. I wore a simple nirvana top with black leggings and white trainers. For my hair I left it down and put on mascara and lipgloss for my makeup. It only took me 15 minutes to do this and I was proud.

"Ash!!!" I yelled trying to find him.

I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him. I decided to go back up to my room since I forgot my phone.

When I got up there my phone wasn't on my bed. Ok, this is getting weird now.

"Ashton Irwin, get your ass here now and give me my phone!!" I yelled.

Nothing happened.

"Hey" someone said grabbing my arm to spin me around.

When he did I didn't recognise the person so I did the right thing, I punched them, grabbed my phone and ran.

"Shit" He mumbled grabbing his nose as a ran out of the room.

I ran down the stairs and saw Ashton.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked him.

"The boys were early so I went outside to let them in" he replied.

I looked in the living room and just like he said there were 2 boys sitting there. I thought he said there were 3 of them all together.

"I thought there were 3" I mumbled.

"Yeah there is, Luke came in while I was talking to the guys. He probably went to use the bathroom" he suggested.

Then it hit me. I just punched one of Ashton's friends. Well I'm in deep shit.

"Oh okay" I answered.

"This is Calum Hood" he said gesturing to the boy with brown hair, quite dark skin and brown eyes.

"And this is Michael Clifford" he said then gesturing to the boy with bright hair, an eyebrow piercing and blue eyes.

"Hey" they both said greeting me.

"Hi. I'm Violet" I greeted back.

Suddenly we heard someone coming down the stairs. It was the other boy. I think his name was Luke.

"Dude. What happened. You look like someone punched you" Ashton exclaimed.

Here we go.

"Uh....I fell....hard" he stuttered. Wait what.

"You fell?" we all said at the same time.

"Yeah" he answered.

Why didn't he just tell them I punched him. Ashton would be pissed, but he would understand. Plus he doesn't even know me so I don't think he's trying to protect me.

"That needs to be cleaned up" Ashton announced.

Well I was the one that punched him so........

"I'll go help him" I said quickly and led him to the kitchen.

When we got there I grabbed the first aid kit. It's funny how I easily find things in this house, even though i haven't lived here for 10 years.

"Why did you lie?" I asked him while I cleared up his nose.

"I'm fine thanks for asking" he replied sarcastically.

"Just answer this question"

"Fine, because this way you owe me" he said casually.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Now you owe me, and I have a feeling this isn't going to be the only time where I have to lie for you" he laughed.

"Hey!" I squealed.

"Hi, I'm Luke" he greeted.

"Agh!!" I yelled about to storm out.

"Wait" he said placing his hand on my arm and spinning me around so I was centremetres in front of him.

I finally took in his appearance. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. I also noticed that he had a lip piercing and he is about 6 foot.

"What?" I asked him not bothering to try and move.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Violet" I answered then left to go into the living room.

"We're gonna go to the beach tomorrow" Calum announced as we came through the room.

"Cool" Luke mumbled.

"Yeah!" I cheered.

"Someone likes the beach" Michael laughed.

"Well the beach here is awesome and I haven't been to the beach in 6 years" I replied.

"Wait really?!" all the boys asked.

"Yeah" I replied blushing.

"Well we are about to change that" Ashton smiled.
This is chapter 1.
I know it's bad but it gets much better.
Make sure to comment and vote.
Picture of Violet and the boys xx


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