Chapter 29 - leaving the boys?

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I hate waking up, especially knowing that today isn't going to be a happy day.

Today is the day I tell the boys I have to leave them. I have to leave my best friends, brother and boyfriend.

The more I think about it, the worse it gets.

Better get this over and done with once and for all.

But first, I should really change out of these clothes.

I decided to wear a red backless top tucked into blue ripped jeans. Finished with beige boots.

For my hair I left it down, and for makeup I put on eyeliner and mascara.

Time to go break the news to the boys.

I went downstairs and saw all the boys in the living room.

Looks like they are planning the tour.

"Uh hey guys" I said awkwardly taking a seat near them.

"Hey Violet" Ashton said.

"I need to talk to you guys" I said getting to the point.

"Okay. Can we talk about the tour first?" Calum asked.

"Well that's what I need to talk to you about actually" I mumbled.

"Well if it's any questions or anything. That's fine coz we have arranged everything" Michael stated proudly.

"Also we have found perfect places to visit, eat and go to" Luke added.

"Uhhh about that......" I awkwardly dragged out.

"Vi. Do you not want to come with us?" Michael asked confused.

"No no no. I do, I really do. That's the problem" I sighed.

"What's the problem babe?" Luke asked.

"I can't come" I sulked.

"Why not?" Ashton asked.

"Well you know this morning I was talking to my manager about something in the office" I began.

"Yeah..." Calum dragged.

"Well we talked about a tour. A Uk one. That I'm going on" I finished.

"Well that's amazing. I don't understand the problem" Ashton frowned.

"The problem is I leave at around the same time as you, and you are on your longer" I explained.

"Wait, so you can't come with us?" Luke asked.

"No I can't. The only thing I could do is just plan to meet you somewhere when you are in the UK" I reasoned.

"By the time we are there, you would have just finished your tour. Which means you could do the rest of the tour with us" Calum suggested.

"Actually that could work" I smiled.

"Okay great. This won't be so bad" Michael shrugged.

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