One Day School Experience In Oregon

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One day on a Thursday morning I decided to tag along with my cousin Kayla to school. Anthony thought we were crazy and that the principle wouldn't let me follow Kayla around school and stuff. But guess what? They did... I had to get a visitors pass to let the staff know I was a visitor and not just a stalker. As soon as we went into her first class, I suddenly knew it was History Class.... DunDunDun!!!! I had to introduce myself to the class and oh boy it was really awkward and stuff... 

I showed the classroom my awesome Bts (Bangtang Boys) socks, but they didn't care. But I did so I loved them. They were working on a speech for the classroom about a famous person and Kayla chose Malala Yousafzai. But guess what all we did was talk and she didn't even get any work done! 

I met Kayla's friends, Sebastian, Nathan, Jennifer, Vy, and another guy (I forgot his name)...

Sebastian was a tall Mexican dude and he don't like K-pop or any Asian pop in general. 

Nathan was a dude who had a thing for Kayla and was a Caucasian (white dude).

Jennifer was one of our kind, an Asian, Vietnamese had green/blue half hair.

Vy was another of our kind, an Asian, Vietnamese but a 'regular Asian.'

The other guy, man he is one heck of a guy, he says he is a psycho, (Caucasian) on time he ran into a wall and landed on his head and he was totally fine. (That's normal right)? Whenever he gets mad at the teacher or someone he shall cuss and flip tables, and chairs. (Yep, Totally normal)...

Now the story! Students were cussing and stuff even at the teacher. We were going to the cafeteria and one of the fifth grade students called me a teacher because it looked like I had a staff badge. But I said that I was a student and he asked if I was new and I said 'no' and that 'I will be going to school only today.' He stopped talking for a moment and went back to getting his pizza lunch.

We didn't sit in the cafeteria though, Kayla and Vy went on the lower grade level and we ate lunch there. There was a long table and some chairs, so we sat and ate our lunch.  After we had Math and Kayla and her classmates did the test while I sat down and drew on construction paper and crayola crayons. 

Then after our break we went to gym and we ditched gym. Oh god the horror! I don't want that on my resume!!! Don't tell anyone... that is bad... We returned my pass and we went outside to the music class where Vy was and we hanged out for a while until it was time to go home!


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