A Zombie Frog?! What In The World Is That?

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A story when I was in fourth grade and my dad always picked up this girl named Vy and brought her in our house to do her homework and such. 

So one day it was a Saturday I was sleeping and the doorbell rang! It was Vy, she woke up 8:00am to come over to my house? Why so early?...

I got changed, brushed my teeth, and ate cereal. Mmm toasted cinnamon crunch...

Then we got in the backyard to play! We planned to catch bugs and stuff!

So we got my bug catcher thingy! Then Vy saw a frog! A FROG! 

We planned to catch it then keep it as our pet! We we got it for our pet. This is not the first time I have seen a frog in my backyard!

Then when it was time to go home she gone home until Wednesday!

She came over again and we decided to check on the frog. It was dead?! Well I'm not surprised that it died since we never fed it. 

Then we buried the frog in a special placed where Vy and I stabbed a stick into the ground to check on the frog tomorrow.

When Vy came over again, we checked on the frog and it was missing...

Where did it go? We completely freaked out and thought it was a zombie frog! 

Btw the frog's name was Bob!

In A Life Of Meh (Never Ending Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ