Mouth Surgery

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I have braces now, started November 30, 2015.
Mouth Surgery, 1/8/16
Wrote, 1/9/16
Mouth surgery was needed, since my jaw was so small they need to extract 6 teeth of mine, 2 baby teeth, and 4 permanent they were molars, OUCH! So that's why I wasn't at school on Friday and nor I'm I going to be on Monday, so first of all, when I got to the Specialized Surgeon place at 8:00am we signed in and waited for about 3 minutes.
They brought me in, they bring me into my room, my mom was worried that I will lose my memory completely, I'll tell about that later in the next chapter about meh. They explained on how they were going to do and stuff, I was confident about it because I had surgery before since I had appendicitis. Then my mom walked into the waiting room, they put a breathing mask on me, laughing gas.
They started to put a blue strap band on me to put the i.v in, it was only difficult because I had very small veins so it was hard, the doctors tend to say I had spider veins, very difficult to find. They finally found a vein in my right elbow and my left wrist on the side they placed it in both, they placed on a thick blue strap on me to see my blood pressure and stuff. The laughing gas got to me while they inserted a sleeping needle in me but I was only sedated. Sedated means that your not fully asleep but you just will feel relaxed, in a mean time I was in la la land as they called it.
Everything was blurry, rapidly objects started to be big and small, I started to joke about it, then what felt like 5 minutes but was 45 minutes the operation was completed. I wasn't fully awake but you know they were done, then a sudden awful pain was in my mouth I started to cry, as they helped me to go to the resting room where my mom was, I laced down, they handed me an ice pack to put on my cheeks to help relieve the pain. My mom started to ask me questions but I told her to stop talking because I had a bad head ache, well it started to begin.
My mom and I gone home while I was still crying the pain in my mouth was so painful I can't really explain. I was on my couch laying down like I was sleeping beauty except was awake, I was tired I couldn't really speak. Although I guess the bright side of it was that I got to eat a lot of ice cream and apple sauce that I have tasted for the first time when I was 11 so surprising right?
In The End The Pain Still Occurs...

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