I Was Addicted To Eating... Dough?...

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When I was a baby all my mom and dad fed me was dough, that was all I wanted to eat. It had the weirdest taste but a smooth texture, that's probably why I wanted to eat it.

I was also addicted to watch Dora on the t.v., care bears, Barney, etc. 

Then when I was four I was addicted to Ramen cupped noodles, mmm it's making me hungry.

I am addicted to stuffed animals, cute things, and food. Who doesn't love food, *someone raises their hand. SHUT UP TIMMY YOU AREN'T SUPPOSE TO BE HERE!

Alright then, have I done a tag in a while?... probably not but I will do so today or tomorrow! Doing tags are a lot of fun.

Popcorn, mmm

Pizza, mmm

Food, mmm

In A Life Of Meh (Never Ending Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang