My New ASUS Chrome Book! ^-^

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P.S. This Is Not A Story... Well Maybe... I Do Not Know...

On a 2/28/16 or 28/2/16

My dad and I got my chromebook from Best Buy! I am currently using this to write new chapters in this book and reading! 

It was $249 In Stores Or Online! But I Don't Think It Was On Sale, Wonder What Price It Would Be On Sale...

It also has virus protection how cool is that!? 

It can flip into a tent! Touch screen too.

This isn't sponsored, well I wish it was.

It works really good, although I would like to download roblox on it, it isn't really a problem to carry this around. It is really light, probably the same as an ipad...

This is really cool ask me any questions! I may or may not answer it, but anyways please ask to purchase your own! Thank you love you all!

In A Life Of Meh (Never Ending Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin