-.- Rosacea A Condition With My Face -.-

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Why I have a pink face...

When I was born, I was born with rosacea but as I grew older the pink in the face showed more. There is no cure for it yet, but I hope soon. The doctors say you shouldn't get it until your near twenty years old. Well I guess I am mentally twenty years old then. 

My mom blamed it on me being to warm. But I looked it up and the pink in my face would show in extreme weather and things. Students or people say why do you put on blush?

Well I don't its just natural blush, yep natural.

I wish I wasn't born with rosacea, it sucks. It sometimes burns my face, it can feel tingly and weird. I pray for it to somewhat magically go away.

Thanks For Reading! <3

In A Life Of Meh (Never Ending Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora