I nodded.

"Myla I'm gay." He mumbled quickly.

I chocked on my saliva and coughed.

"I'm sorry, do you not support me?" He asked, tears welling in his eyes.

"No no. I mean yes. I do support you. I fully support you, it's shocking that's all. I love you Michael, I'll always support you. Unless you murder someone, I couldn't support you murdering someone." I giggled.

Michael glanced at me and giggled loudly. His giggling grew contagious and I began to laugh.

We'd arrived home so I climbed out of the car and headed inside of the house.

Danyelle was yelling at Austin as Benjie was crouching in the corner. I tried my best to get to Benjie before Danyelle could target me specifically.

Michael yelled at her to just shut up and go to her room, but she didn't listen. She fired her mouth at everyone but Benjie and I. She finally got that I was so broken I couldn't take anymore of her words.

"How do you think it feels? I go out and party it up because when I come home everyone is against me. At least when I party, everyone's too drunk to care about what's going on at home! Everyone gets too wasted to even remember me ranting about my at-home-problems!" Danyelled lashed out.

"I'm struggling too Danyelle! I'm 19 and I take care of an 18-year-old child! I take care of a 16-year-old depressed girl! I'm 19 and I take care of a 8-year-old autistic kid. Danyelle, I'm fückïng 19 and in college supporting our large family, and we're months behind in bills! I'm 19. My life stopped four months ago when our mother just left us!" Michael retaliated.

"Michael." Danyelle muttered. "I've been trying to get jobs, I've been trying in school. I'm slut shamed walking down the halls because I had sex with Triston and he ran his mouth when I broke things off with him two weeks ago! He went telling everyone I fück every guy I see. I have no friends anymore. I have no life. I'm not saying my problems are worse than yours, or even Myla's, but I have problems too." She hissed.

No one said anything.

"I got into a fight today, with some girl because Triston sent her my way to 'deal' with me. She brought some guy who was bigger than me. He tried raping me Michael!" She spoke softly.

It was then I took in her appearance. Her shorts were ripped in multiple places, her lip was busted, and her eye was slightly black. Her shirt was torn in two, barely hanging from her shoulders. Her entire body was trembling in fear.

"I'm sorry okay! I don't mean to be this way! I'm sorry I'm so fückïng worthless, and I'm a rude bïtćh, okay? I'm sorry I slut it up and I'm always drinking. I'm sorry I kept going back to Triston. We're all coping differently, okay? I wish I was coping differently, but this is the only way I know to do it." Danyelle cried out.

That was when I finally realized Danyelle was just like everyone else. I was depressed; I coped by not talking and keeping to myself. Michael was an insomniac; he didn't sleep much, and he hardly ate. Benjie feared everyone; he kept to himself, not just because he was autistic, but because he was afraid we'd snap at him.

We were all fighting our demons. We all were dealing with these emotions differently, and the only thing we could do was try to understand one another.

"Why don't any of you realize I'm hurting too?" Danyelled mumbled.

She dropped a piece of paper on the floor and walked up the steps to our room. Michael was the first to pick up the paper, he turned it over and showed us.

It was a letter, accepting Danyelle into a local community college. I took off up the steps to our room. I felt horrible, she put me down, but only because she was hurting.

I raced into the room and scooped her up into my arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I mumbled.

Tears were forming in my eyes as she wrapped her arms around me tightly. She sobbed violently, and she shook.

"I'm so scared Myla, I'm so scared he's gonna come and burst through those doors." She mumbled through her tears.

I rubbed her back, and played with her hair. I was never one to be good at soothing anyone, but Danyelle is my sister and I need to be there for her.

"He won't. Michael is down there, and Austin. You may have made them both mad many times but Michael and Austin love you, they'd never let him try to hurt you ever." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

"Don't be." I mumbled.

"I'm tearing this family apart."

"I can't say you aren't because it's the truth, but we can make things better, I promise." I spoke whole heartedly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm not homophobic, and if you were gay I wouldn't care. I'd fully support you. I was just jealous because you have friends and people who care about you." Danyelle cried again.

"Jealous? Of me? I was jealous of you. You're so confident. Besides all of the rude stuff you said to me, you were sill confident."

"I'm really not," she mumbled.

"You're strong and confident Danyelle. I know you are. You've always been that way since we were young, we can get through this. Together. As family." I whispered.

She nodded and held onto me. I slowly let go of her and she began to whine and freak out. I quickly grabbed her some comfy clothes and I handed them to her.

She shakily got changed, and I allowed her to climb into bed with me. I held onto her trembling body. I did my best to sing Count On Me by Bruno.

Danyelle had her reasons for being rude and crap.

My plans all along.

And the bonding between Myla and Danyelle

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