Chapter 30

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Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you've had, what you lost and what you took for granted. So appreciate what you have before it becomes, what you had.

Freya's POV

Today is the day. Yesterday the whole compound is busy preparing for the battle of our lives. Davina, Vincent and I decided to meet in St. James Infirmary to avoid anyone hearing about my plan. We are now in the bayou, waiting for Lucien to arrive. Few minutes passed, several vampires came into view and in the middle of it was Lucien. Rebekah hold my hand and I looked at her. She smiled at me and I smiled bitterly. 

"Quite an audience you have there, love." Rebekah said

"Of course! I'd quite prepared with this so called battle. Although the betrayal of your sister is a shock for me. Given the fact that we did enjoyed each other's company." Lucien said smirking at me. I looked away from him. Guess this is how we would end up.

"Enough chit chat. Let's get this over with." Nik said. On cue, Davina started to chant the sigil on Lucien. Lucien's army attacked us then my siblings and the strix attack for our defense.  

"You have to do the spell, Freya! The ancestors are fighting me." Davina said. I looked at Vincent and nodded at him

"Promise me you would protect Lucien at all cost." I asked Vincent. Tears are forming in my eyes. He nodded. I looked at Lucien who is feeling the pain of the sigil. Lucien looked at me. Then I stab my self with a knife then everything went dark.

Vincent's POV

"Freya!!!! No!!! What have you done?! I will kill all of you!!" Lucien yelled. I immediately went beside Freya's body and consecrate her. I chant the spell. Its done. Freya is already on the ancestral plane. Now I have to summon back her spirit so I can channel her. I decided to do that spell far away from the battlefield. I put the hand of glory on the side and draw a circle with candles around it. Davina then arrived and hold my hand.

"We need to do this quick. The sigil can't hold Lucien much longer." Davina said. We started to channel one another and chanted the spell to bring Freya's spirit back. Few minutes passed, the spell worked and now Freya is standing in front of us.

"Channel me now" Freya said. 

"Lucien is furious, Freya. How can I explain to him what you truly planned." I asked her.

"He needs to find time to heal himself before he can understand all of this. Right now, we have to do the spell." Freya said. Davina and I hold hands as we approach Freya's spirit within the circle. We hold her hands as we started feeling the power of the ancestors as it goes through Freya's spirit. Freya smiled at us and mouthed good luck as the spell is complete. We immediately went back to where Lucien is but he is nowhere to be found. 

"Looking for me?" Lucien said as he throw us. We flashed in front of us looking very furious. His fangs and red eyes are visible.

"What the hell did you do to Freya? Answer me!" Lucien shouted. He grabbed me by my shirt as he lift me. All of a sudden he was thrown away from me by Rebekah.

"Where's Freya?" Rebekah asked. I didn't answer her. I nodded at Davina and she hold my hand. We chanted the spell to reverse the immortality spell placed on Lucien. We chanted until we felt the power of the ancestors lifted on him. 

"You are now just a normal vampire, Lucien." Davina said. Shock is evident in his face then he flashed towards Freya's body. Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah defeated Lucien's army. They are already approaching him.

"Davina, you might wanna use the spell now." I said. Davina chant a barrier spell around the Mikaelson siblings. Lucien is hugging and crying over Freya's body. We approached the Mikaelson siblings as they watch Lucien mourn over their beloved older sister.

"What did you do to my sister?!!!" Klaus yelled. Rebekah and Elijah are already in tears as  they watch from afar how Lucien mourn.

"Freya was the one who planned this. She willingly sacrifice herself for your safety and Lucien's. We have nothing else do." I explained.

"Then bring her back!!!! I want my sister back!" Rebekah yelled as tears run down her cheeks.

"We can't. She doesn't want to be brought back. I'm sorry." I sadly said. I walk towards Lucien and looked at him. He looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"She chose this for you. She did this for you. Might as well run now or they will kill you. I promised Freya I would protect you but you also have to protect yourself. Now, go." I said

"She is my life. Without her, I'm lifeless. I'd rather die than live without Freya." Lucien sadly said hugging Freya's body close to him.

"Freya's sacrifice would be for nothing if you just let them kill you. Now, go." I said. Lucien kissed Freya's forehead and whispered  something in her ear then he slowly put Freya's body down. As he walk away, he looked back at Freya's pale face then vamp speed away. Davina put the barrier down and Freya's siblings immediately went beside her. Rebekah cries as Elijah hold Freya's body. Klaus also crying as he hold Freya's hand. We immediately gathered our things and walk away. 

Rebekah's POV

There is a saying that you can only tell the importance of a person, when that person is already gone from your life. Freya is the only sister I have and with a short time given to us, I'd say she is the best. She is the one who is very eager to sacrifice anything or anyone for the safety of our family. I guess she really overdo that. She even sacrifice herself not only for us but also to the man she loves. The man we tried to kill. The same man who can't even go to her funeral. I tried reasoning to Niklaus about letting Lucien go to Freya's funeral but he won't agree on my plea. Speaking of Niklaus, he is trying to look tough but deep inside he is suffering from the pain of losing another sibling. Elijah on the other hand is grieving from her death. They were very close. For Hayley, guilt and pain is evident in her because obviously none of them understand Freya for loving Lucien.  Their love is unexpected and in a very inconvenient time if you ask me. She is loved by many and right now, she is mourn by many as well. We tried convincing Vincent and Davina to resurrect her but Freya specifically told them not to. As for Lucien, he left New Orleans just like what Freya wanted him to do. I never got the chance to talk to him but I guess action speaks louder than words. The way I saw him mourn over my sister is touching and painful. He really did love her. Much more than any of us could imagine. We decided not to burn Freya and bury her in the Lafayette cemetery. Everyone left as I stayed. I put a white rose on her tomb.

"Goodbye, sister"

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