Chapter 22

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Hayley's POV

After Cami died, the whole compound is like a deserted place now. Klaus have been staying in his art room for almost 2 days while Elijah is still trying everything to find Freya. Everyone is affected by her death added the fact that Freya is also taken. I heard Elijah entered the compound so I put Hope back in her crib and went downstairs. As I descend the stairs, I saw Elijah drinking bourbon wearing his usually emotionless face.

"Based on your face, I assume you didn't find her." I casually said walking towards him

"That imbecile must have cloaked her." Elijah replied

"Lucien learned from the best I guess. Speaking of the creator himself, does he even care about the whereabouts of his sister?" I inquired. Elijah was about to answer me when someone cut in.

"Of course. What kind of brother do you think of me, Hayley?" Klaus sarcastically  said walking towards us.

"A kind of brother who is insensitive enough to sacrifice his own sister for the welfare of himself. Did I got the right description or should I add more?" I sarcastically replied. I can see from his expression that I hit a nerve. 

"Stop! Both of you! This is not helping our cause. Vincent updated me that he is still working on the spell to unlink Freya from Lucien." Elijah said

"Perhaps he didn't clearly explained to you brother that he lacks the main ingredient for the spell." Klaus said

"And what is that?" I impatiently asked crossing my arms on my chest.

"Freya and Lucien's blood. On which we don't have right now. Given the fact that Lucien have Freya and of course the imbecile himself wouldn't just hand over his blood. Any more questions?" he explained

"That's why we have to find them which also leads us to another problem. They can't be located by any magic. So if any of you have a genius plan then might as well share it now." I stated looking at them. Just then Klaus handed Elijah a folder. 

"Are you sure about this brother?" Elijah asked still looking at the folder. Klaus smirked at him.

"One way to find out, brother." he said walking out of the compound. Elijah handed me the folder and followed Klaus to who knows where. I open the folder and read its contents.

"That clever bastard." I said to myself. 

Freya's POV

I have been sitting on the sofa for almost an hour. Lucien is out to execute more of his plan which made me more anxious every single minute that pass by. After what happened to Cami, I'm worried about my family and friends. Lucien is a clever man which he also learned from his creator, Niklaus. However, I know that Niklaus is always one step ahead of his enemies which also leads to my other problem. I'm also worried for Lucien. My siblings will have no remorse on killing him. Its kinda frustrating to be in the middle of the war and currently on both sides. 

Speaking of the devil, Lucien let the ancestors to put a boundary spell to the whole house in which I can't pass through. I tried so many times to pass through but every single time I did I would find myself unable to breathe. That's why I'm sitting on the sofa for almost an hour. I'm thinking of a way to pass it however if I use my magic Lucien would know and the ancestors will stop me which making me useless here. So I decided to go to the balcony and to my surprise I saw my brothers outside the gate. 

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