Chapter 2

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Author's Note: I would changing and adding some scenes from episode 18 of The Originals. I hope you don't mind. Thank you! 


Freya's POV

"Would you stop pacing behind me?! I can't concentrate with you like that!" I yelled at Niklaus.  We are or rather I am still working on a spell that could somehow stop Lucien since we cannot kill him. My brothers especially Niklaus is very impatient and pacing around the room for the outcome of my plan.

"How could I not sister? When my ex and her minion,Lucien is just around the corner waiting for the right time to attack us!" he yelled back. Niklaus and his attitude.

"Calm down brother. Freya is doing what she can for the spell to work. Lucien is not easy to deal with right now. He is lethal even for an originals like us." Elijah explained. 

"Why don't you look after what Freya finish whatever she is doing and I would take this situation on my hand." Nik said as he walked towards the door.

"Niklaus, it would not help us if you walk out through that door. You would just baiting yourself for Lucien's liking. We need to plan this through" Elijah said as he stopped Niklaus from doing a stupid vendetta.

"No brother! I need to end this stupid vengeance of Lucien and if you are finish with your spell then update me." Nik said as he woosh to who knows where!

"You should know better than to stop Niklaus and his stubbornness. He never listens, Elijah." I said as I continue on working the spell.

"Lucien wanted revenge. With Niklaus outside the compound then he is making it easier for Lucien to kill him"

"He can handle himself, Elijah. I know he can."

Elijah walked closer to me and held my arms. I looked at him. I know what he is thinking. He knows that I'm in pain. In pain for losing the love of my life for the sake of the salvation of my family. 

"I can handle it, Elijah. I know I can. I just.." but Elijah cut me off

"No Freya. You can't. Trust me I know the feeling of suppressing your feelings for one person. It is a difficult task especially when that person is near you." he said. I know he is pertaining to Hayley. Maybe that's the reason we understand each other because we are in the same situation. 

"Maybe I can't but I need to. For our family. For Hope's safety as well." I replied. 

Then suddenly we heard Hayley shouting our names downstairs. When we came downstairs, we saw Camille with Hayley.

"Invite her in, Freya" Hayley said

"You can come in" I said. 

"You need to know that Lucien has Klaus. They may be in the penthouse."Camille explained.

"Just as I expected. Niklaus just wouldn't listen." Elijah said. He suddenly received a text message.

"Apparently, Lucien wants my audience and if I delay Niklaus will die." Elijah said as he walked towards the door of the compound. 

"I need to finish my spell before one of my brothers die tonight." I said to Hayley and Camille as I went back upstairs.

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