Chapter 19

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Lucien's POV

You would literally know what pain feels like when you watch the one you love the most slowly dying and suffering in front of you. Seeing her in pain made me angrier towards her family. The ancestors did get me out of the spell but I can't fight because of the link I have with Freya made me weak. Seeing as she has suffered so much pain which I also felt. Good thing, She is still alive because I can still hear her faint heartbeat which gave me hope. While the ancestors are busy punishing that pathetic group of witches as well as Freya's family. I managed to get Freya out of the warehouse and went straight to the new house I purchased. I'm still weak from what happened back there but I still manage to gently put Freya on the bed. 

"I will kill each one of them for hurting you, Freya. I will make them feel the pain they made you feel. And I will make sure to do it as soon as possible." I said while stroking her hair. I kissed the top of her head and walk out of the room. I went to my room which is just across Freya's room and went straight to sleep. 

Freya's POV

I find myself in a middle of a gorgeous meadow and my clothing is different. Am I dead? Is this heaven or something? 

"Love." a voice called. I turn around to see Lucien smiling  and walking towards me. I simply smiled back at him. He look extremely captivating. 

"Am I in hell? I sure do hope not because I've done nothing to deserve to be in hell or maybe someone is much deserving to be there. Someone named Lucien Castle." I playfully asked him. He laughed at me.

"Nice try mocking me, love. No, you are not dead and you are not in hell. Because a good looking man such as myself would not be in hell." he explained caressing my cheeks. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Where are we then?" I curiously asked. He intertwined his hands on mine as we stroll around the meadow. 

"You are in a dream I created in your mind, love. You have been asleep for almost two days. That pathetic witches you so called friends drained so much of your energy that you collapsed. Good thing, you didn't die because if you did..." he explained and I cut him off

"You would die as well. I know that Lucien. I just didn't expect  my brothers would do that. I've done everything for them. " I sadly said

"They don't deserve you, Freya. Just like I said before, you should come with me. You are just too stubborn to listen to me." he firmly stated. I let go of his hand and faced him

"What do you want me to do huh? Just leave them? I've searched and longed for them for a thousand years, Lucien. You can't blame me to protect them in every way I know." I replied. I can see the anger in his eyes.

"They freaking betrayed you, Freya! You saw and felt that! For god's sake what kind of proof do you want to let them go?!" he shouted walking away from me

"Lucien..." I called to him walking towards him. I grabbed his hand and caress it. I can feel him relax with what I'm doing.

"I'm sorry if I shouted at you. I'm just frustrated, that's all. Please wake up, love. I need you." he pleadingly said kissing my hands.

"I'm trying. Just try to behave okay? I love you Lucien."  I lovingly said to him pressing my forehead with his. 

"I love you too, my little witch." he replied smiling. I kissed him passionately.

Wish we could be this way forever.

Lucien's POV

After I spend time with Freya on her dream, the smile on my face won't disappear. She is literally the angel in my one hell of a life. I look at her sleeping and I can't help but missed her. I need to feel her not just in dreams but in reality. She needs to wake up before I lose my sanity here. I lean closer to her ear.

"Please wake up, love. I will be waiting for you here." I whispered on her ear. I kissed her forehead and position myself on the couch inside her room. 

Her loyalty towards her family is unquestionable but I can't let them hurt her again. I will make sure to kill them if they tried.

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