Chapter 11

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Freya's POV

Three days passed...

Avoiding Lucien is the hardest thing I would do probably because of the fact that we actually live under the same roof. Much to my satisfaction, he is also doing the same thing to me. I guess he is too busy planning the destruction of my brothers. Although we are practically avoiding contact with each other I can't help but notice how he still takes care of me. I'm his prisoner after all I deserved to be taken care of. What annoyed me the most is the vampires lurking around the house to guard me 24/7. I have to talk to Lucien about this stupid guards.

I went to his office where he always stays when he is around. I didn't bother to knock because he probably heard me before I can open the door. I saw him reading a book.

"I know we are not in the "talking terms" now but the stupid guards needs to go or I will throw each one of them myself" I said crossing my arms around my chest. He put down his book and looked at me. He is serious and it creeps me out.
"The guards are for your protection. They will stay and you will just have to live with having them around the house." He seriously said. Woah! Who am I talking to right now? Is this really Lucien Castle?
"I don't need protection. As you can see, I have been held captive by yours truly for almost two weeks now! I can't even go outside the gate. So I don't need them."  I explained. I can feeling my annoyance is increasing. Lucien stand up and in a flash was in front of me.
"The answer is still a no. I guess this ends our conversation." He said. Damn it. He is so serious and I don't like it. I want my cocky and playful Lucien back. I guess this is my karma for avoiding him for 3 days.
"What's wrong with you? You are not the Lucien I know." I asked gripping on his left arm.
"Nothing's wrong with me. You are the one who avoided me for three consecutive days like I have some kind of disease! For crying out loud Freya! I didn't do anything to you. I didn't expect you to confess your love for me three days ago. You can't expect me to say something back after your outburst. I have plenty of things to do Freya and falling in love is not on that list!" He rant. I stood there like a frozen statue looking at him and absorbing what he just said.
"You're right. I expected that you would say you feel the same way but I guess I was wrong. I guess falling in love with you is also a wrong and stupid thing to do. I mean I'm just a bait nothing more, nothing less. Just like you said before, love is for the weak therefore I am weak. I'm sorry for being weak Lucien. Its just part of being human I guess." I said as tears are running down my face. I quickly went out of his office and run towards the balcony.

Tears keep on falling on my cheeks and I can't seem to make them stop. I just stare up the sky and watch as the stars shine brightly in heaven above. It hurts to hear him say those words. Like I'm literally breaking in half. I can never be enough for him. I can never be Aurora.

I'm weak because of him.

Loving him made me weak.

And I'm tired of being weak for him.

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