Chapter 26

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Lucien's POV

Figthing with Niklaus is as easy as pie. We've fighting for almost an hour and I didn't noticed that Freya is already gone and so is Vincent. Elijah must habe brought them back to the compound.

"You can't defeat me,Nik. Face the reality. I'm the superior this time and there is nothing you can do about it." I boastfuly said to him. All of sudden Elijah is beside him.
"Two against one? I find it quite unfair." I added. They attacked me and I easily broke their necks. They lay unconscious on the floor. My mind is telling me to kill them but my heart says to find a certain witch to clarify some things. I just found myself going to the direction of the compound and as usual Strix members stopped me but I easily defeat everyone of them and proceed inside. Of course, the stupid barrier is still in effect. 

"Freya!" I yelled. Footsteps can ne heard and in an instant Hayley is in front of me looking really pissed. 

"Freya is not here. She magically transport herself to who knows where and right now I'm really pissed because you just woke up Hope!" Hayley ranted crossing her arms on her chest. I smirked at her and vamp speed out of the compound. Where the hell could she be? And why would she left the compound? Damn that little witch! Always invading my mind but I can't help but feel worried as where she currently is. Pulling out my phone, I dialed her number and called her. Few rings and she answered.

"I'm not in the mood for your harsh words and stupid lines like "I will kill you for your betrayal"" Freya bluntly said on the other line. I smirked at myself. This witch really had me fall in love with her sharp tongue and attitude.

"Maybe I would have said that few hours ago but right now I have to know where the hell you are." I firmly said. 

"Sorry to disappoint you but I won't tell you my location. I have things to do so if you are done with your speech then I will end this call now." She sharply replied. 

"Freya, tell me where you are or I swear to god I will search every inch of New Orleans until I find you and if I did find you, I will take again and again until you can't walk anymore." I angrily said. She laughed at the other line which made me frustrated more.

"Oh really, Mr. Castle? I'd like to see you try." she seductively replied and ended the call. 

"Damn it! You little minx!" I shouted.  Guess I have to find that little minx of a witch and make sure she regrets that she didn't tell me her whereabouts.

Freya's POV
After my conversation with Lucien, I continued on working on the spell. I need for this to work or that handsome bastard will die. Then I heard my phone ringing again. I immediately answered it without looking at the name of the caller.

"Stop calling Lucien." I answered.

"Freya, its me, Daniel." He replied 

"You suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth and now you have the guts to call me? For what? So that my family could use you to track me? Is that it?" I ranted to him. I'm beyond pissed at Daniel. He just vanished and now he calls me!

"What? No! I'm not even in New Orleans, Frey. I just wanted to hear your voice and obviously I missed you too. You've been very occupied with your family and love dramas." he explained. 

"Fine. I missed you too you imbecile. Where are you anyway?" I curiously asked

"I'd rather not tell you. Just to be safe from your lunatic boyfriend. I heard that your link to him is already gone." he said. I laughed at his statement.

"He is not my boyfriend or at least not yet." 

"Wow! What are you guys? Friends with benefits? You did catch up with the Modern era, Frey." He mockingly said. I laughed again. 

"Hey, I have to go. I promise I will visit you sometime and if I have to locate using a spell, I will. Take care of yourseld okay?" I said

"Yeah I will. I hope you are still in one piece after all of this. And for the love of god don't bring Lucien when you visit. Take care Frey. " he said as he ended the call.  I missed Daniel so much. He is the only friend I had before I meet my family. I have this war between my family and Lucien. It now or never Freya. Hoping I would succeed in my plan.

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