Chapter 3

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Elijah's POV

Morning came and Freya still hasn't shown up. We tried contacting her last night but her phone is out of reach. We failed to mention to her about the plan about Lucien and I was the one who suggested not to tell her because of her feeling for Lucien may cause the plan to fail. I trust Freya but with her affections towards Lucien is still there it may become a problem for us all. 

"Elijah? Have you heard from Freya?" Niklaus asked me as he enter the room. 

"No brother. I'm worried about her,Niklaus. She could be in danger right now. We have to find her right away." I replied. 

"Elijah! Klaus!" I heard Hayley yelled from downstairs. We immediately run downstairs to check what could be the problem.

"Lucien." I said. He just smirked at me and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Good morning my not-so-favorite family of originals vampires." he said

"What the hell are you doing here Lucien?!" Niklaus yelled at him and walking towards him but Hayley stopped before he could even cross the boundary between them.

"Why don't let me in so I could tell you the reason I came here? That would be lovely for us to bond once again like before." he suggested

"You think we would be fools to let you in? Besides we can't." Hayley retorted 

"Oh yes! I completely forgot that only your dear older sister, Freya, who is under my care right now can invite me in. What a shame that is." he smirked at us.

"SAY THAT AGAIN LUCIEN?!" Niklaus yelled at him

"Freya is under my care right now. We bumped into each other last night and boom! She is in my penthouse. On my bed, sleeping soundly like an angel. She is quite an exquisite last night especially her blood. Hmmmm yum!" he stated. That made my blood boil and I can feel my fangs and veins are starting to show. Nobody hurts my family!

I attacked Lucien outside the compound. Throwing punches here and there but eventually he is much stronger than I am. Niklaus suddenly appeared and fight Lucien as well. He is much stronger than us but for our sister we can try.

"Hold up! You can't defeat me. I was just trying to update you on how your older sister is." Lucien said raising her two hands up like surrendering to us

"Give us Freya back, Lucien! She has nothing to do with your anger against us!" I said 

"Of course she is included. One, she is your sister, a valuable sister I might add. Two, she is a powerful original witch. Lastly, I should keep that one to myself." he explained

"I would kill you if my sister is not back to us today. I will make your life a living hell." Niklaus angrily said

"I'd like to see you try Nik. For now, I better get back to mi'lady. " he said as he vanished in front of us.

Niklaus and I went back to the compound and Hayley approached us. 

"What happened?" she asked checking both Niklaus and I

"Lucien has Freya. That bastard have her captive in his penthouse!" Nik retorted

"What are we gonna do? We need to save Freya! Lucien can kill her in an instant." Hayley said

"That bastard really pissed me off! I need to think this through" Niklaus said as he went upstairs

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