Chapter 8

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Lucien's POV
I bought a new house just a few miles away from New Orleans so we can't be tracked down by her siblings. Speaking of Freya, she is still unconscious and sleeping on the bedroom. I don't know why I'm feeling this way towards her. Yes, I may have flirted with her before but it was all part of a plan to get her but this attraction I have for her now is different. I shouldn't feel this way towards her but everytime she is near I can't help but imagine how I can pleasure her body in every way possible .

That mark linked her life to me but its more than. I can feel what she feels like we are truly one. She may have hate me on the outside but deep inside I can feel the love she feels for me and that's not even helping with my plans to destroy her siblings. I hear footsteps going down the stairs.

"Glad you are awake,love. Dinner is ready." I said placing the roasted chicken on the table.
"I don't want to eat with you." she replied crossing her arms around her chest. Stubborn as always she is. I walked towards her and lean on her ear.
"That's fine with me, sweet Freya. We could skip the dinner and proceed on the dessert. Your bedroom or mine, love?" I whispered. I felt her body heat up when I said those words. Her body is responding to me.

Them she pushed me and walked toward the dinner table. Oh Freya you are resisting way too much.

"Let's just eat dinner silently please. " she said. I sit on the other side of the table and looked at her.
"Fine by me but my offer still stands especially when this house a few miles from New Orleans. Your moans and screams won't be heard by your siblings." I flirted with her. I find myself thrown against the wall.
"Don't ever think that I can't hurt you Lucien Castle. Eat dinner with yourself you asshole!"she replied running upstairs and slamming her bedroom door.

You really are something Freya Mikaelson. I will have you one way or another.

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