Chapter 1

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Dad just divorced mom, literally, two months ago and is already about to marry another woman. Something about that whole thing just wasn't right but, I don't want to stress over it right now. I already have enough to stress about. On the bright side of this tragedy, mom is a lot happier now and that is all I could ask for. I'm starting to slowly believe that this was for the best.

Today is the day that I finally get to visit my dad since the divorce. He's been blowing me off due to being so 'busy'. He's been bragging to me about how nice his place looked for a while now though. My father is a messy person so, it is very hard to believe that his place is nice at all. The neighborhood, my dad lives in, is a city away from where me and my mom are located.

It was a hell of a drive to get to this neighborhood but, we finally made it.

"I'd hate for you to drive all the way back alone, mom," I said as I shut the car door.

"It's fine sweetie. I'm visiting a friend, near this area, anyway," my mom replied.

"And this 'friend' of yours is a guy, I assume?" I teased.

"Love you Kookie. Try to have fun?" My mom avoided the question.

I backed onto the sidewalk while waving to mom. As she pulled off, she blew me tons and tons of kisses, as if she wasn't going to see me again. As I watched her vehicle disappear behind a few houses, I heard footsteps behind me. Suddenly, hands were thrown around me, nearly knocking me off balance. I wished I would have reacted fast enough, to keep me from nearly falling into the street.

"Aargh!" I grunted as the person twirled me around in the air before landing me on my feet.

Once my feet were finally on the sidewalk again, I spun around, ready to strike.

"Son!" Dad shouted with his arms out, "I'm glad to see you! How have you been?"

I heavily sighed as I rolled my eyes, "Just fine dad."

As I pulled my bag back onto my shoulder, I began to walk towards my father's house.

"'re mother left in a bit of a hurry," my dad said as he followed behind me.

"Yea. Apparently, she is going to visit a friend near here," I replied, reaching the doorstep.

"Woah, woah, woah," my dad cut in front of me, blocking the door, "This 'friend'...he's a guy?"

My eyes narrowed, "Why does it matter, dad?"

Dad tried to chuckle his jealousy off, although, he wasn't even given an answer yet.

"It's nothing, son. Come on inside. The place is nice," he bragged, again, as he walked in through the door.

"Ta-da!" He shouted as I walked in behind him.

I must say, I am extremely shocked to see that dad's house was actually neat and nice.

"Not bad, dad," I said in a quiet volume as I looked around the entry area.

"Didn't I tell ya?" He bragged, "Let me show you your room."

He patted my back before running up the stairs. I, very unenthusiastic, walked slowly up the stairs behind him. There were photographs on the wall, of the stairs, of me mom and dad. Towards the top, photographs of dad and his fiance' were beginning to appear. In one photo, there was a little boy standing beside dad's fiance'. I've never seen him before nor did dad mention his fiance' having a child or anything. It was strange.

"Son?!" Dad called from upstairs.

"Uh, coming!" I responded.

Cutting around a wall, dad was standing in front of a door with his arms crossed.

"Here you are," he said as he slowly opened up the room door.

A bright ray of light began to shine upon the objects, within the room, the more the door opened. Once the door was fully opened, I walked inside and, once again, was mind blown. The room was very nice and pretty spacey. Nothing too much, just as I like it.

"Nice," I complimented.

"I knew you would like it," my dad said as he rushed in, passed me.

Walking into the middle of the room, he suddenly stopped and stood there with his hands on his hips to take pride of his work.

"I hope you like it here, JungKook," my dad said, "Maybe you could come and visit more often as well. I mean, being that you have school, you could visit on the weekends. Maybe even holidays?"

I threw my bag, containing all of my clothes and other belongings, onto the king sized bed. I walked over to a window and stared into the afternoon sky. It was a beautiful day. Birds were soaring against the sky, children were playing street hockey and the sun was shining bright. The only problem was that I wasn't enjoying myself too much. Yea, it was great seeing my dad after two months but, I just couldn't bring myself to smile much.

"Son?" dad called from behind me.

"Yea, dad. Maybe," I finally replied back.

I could hear my dad walking towards the bedroom door. I kept my eyes on the view of the neighborhood.

"Make yourself comfortable-take a stroll through the neighborhood. Tiffany will be starting dinner soon. Hopefully you will join us tonight," my dad said before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Maybe," I replied quietly to myself.

Due to the long drive to get here, I took a bit of a nap. Well, I thought so. When I awakened, the night had fallen. I leaned over towards the nightstand and reached out for the digital clock. Turning the clock to face me, it read: 7:30 p.m. I laid back onto the bed to yawn and stretch a bit. I grabbed my cell from behind one of the pillows to text my friend, Hoseok. He is the only close friend I have, that lives in the same neighborhood as I. Since he and I are always together, he is very aware of what happened today, so far.

How does it feel to be at your dad's new place? Hoseok texted me.

Different...I replied back.

Staying with my dad was a bit different. It was like I didn't know him anymore. The fact that he is getting remarried, so soon, is what also throws me off about all of this. While I was in deep thought, my cell lit up the dark room. Unlocking the phone, I quickly opened up Hoseok's text.

Have you met her yet? Hoseok asked.

Nope. Didn't really want to, I quickly replied.

I was soon startled by a knock at the door. I quickly sat up to turn on the lamp, that was on the nightstand.

"Are you decent?" an unfamiliar voice asked me.

"Uh, yea?" I answered in question.

Walking into my room, was a short guy, I had never seen before. His hair was short and black, he was wearing a white T and ripped blue jeans. Come to think of it, he had some similar features to the boy, I saw in one of the photographs, on the wall. He was a bit strange, honestly. He didn't say anything to me, after entering my room. He just stood at the foot of my bed, smiling at me. It was a bit awkward for me.

"Hello?" I said awkwardly.

"Hi," he smiled even bigger.

He then, sat on the end of my bed but, never took his eyes off of me. I couldn't shake the feeling of pure awkwardness.

"Who are you?" I bluntly asked him.

"Oh yea, sorry. I'm Jimin. I'm going to be your step brother," he replied with a smile.

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