Chapter 16: Another Party

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Brooklyns pov:
Austin and I were laying in my bunk listening to bring me the horizon, on of my favorite bands. It was the last night of warped and the night of falling in reverse's party.

"Hey don't you think we should be getting ready?" I asked a half asleep Austin who was resting his head on my chest and his arms gripped around my stomach.

"Why would I want to get up?" He asked in his morning voice. I was brushing the hair out of his face with one hand and holding his had with the other. I was extremely comfortable but I knew I had to perform in a few hours.

"C'mon babe, we needa get up" I said. Austin groaned and I just giggled at him. He released me from his death grip and I hopped out of the bunk. I got changed into short shorts and austins slipknot muscle tee. I threw my hair up in a ponytail leaving my bangs out and did my regular makeup. I got out of the bathroom and I just saw Austin looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"You can't leave like this" Austin said. His jaw was on the floor.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because we're staying here so no one else can look at that ass. I don't need anyone else checking you out. You're mine Brooke." Austin said running over to me and lifting me up and taking me to the back lounge. He put me down on the couch and payed on top of me.

"Austin.. I need to go. I have to perform soon" I said in between laughs.

"Fine I'm following you around tho to make sure that no creeps look at you." He said. I thought it was sweet but extremely funny he would go to this extreme.


It's now 8 at night and everyone was packing up their stuff from the tour. My first real tour is over. I know that it won't be my last but it's depressing. I'm happy we have the party tonight though. And the more I think about it, the more excited I get. I decided on changing before the party and I was contemplating curling my hair. I changed into a short black dress that was tighter around my chest and more flowy below it. I decided I was gonna leave my hair up because the dress wasn't really fancy and I decided to wear my glasses, which I never do.

I walked out of the bathroom from doing my makeup and Austin was just staring at me.

"Are you just going to do that every time I walk out of a room?" I asked laughing

"I mean it's hard not to when you're this god damn beautiful" Austin said. I started blushing and he stood up and walked over to me. He put his hands around my waist and I stood up on my toes and kissed his soft lips.

"Let's go babe" I said before taking austins hand and practically dragging him out of the bus. We walked to Fallon in reverses bus. I saw David and Tabbitha walk out of the bus holding hands and I just winked at her. She smirked at me and the continued to walk to where we talked all night long the first night of warped tour.


A few hours have past and I was starting to get tired. I'm going to miss warped so much it's insane. I looked up at Austin and he was half asleep. "Do you want to go?" I asked. Austin just nodded and we got up and said our goodbyes to everyone. I held back tears talking to Alex and Justin and Kellin. I'm going to miss everyone so much. We finished saying goodbye and we walked back toward my bus.

"You know we have to sleep apart tonight." I said fighting back even more tears. I needed austins comfort tonight, it was going to be so hard to say goodbye to all these people for who knows how long.

" I know love. But this isn't going to be a permanent thing. We'll be together at my house sooner then you know. Goodnight babe, I love you" austin said. I looked up at him and kissed his soft lips. I didn't want to let go. I didn't want him to leave me. But I knew I had to.

"Goodnight. I love you too" I said entering my bus. I turned around to see Joey on the couch watching tv and I came up and laid down with my head on his thigh. I let the tears fall freely from my eyes, knowing I'm couldn't stop them anymore.

"I'll miss it too b, just know, this isn't forever. We'll see all these people again soon. We might even tour with some of these bands. There's warped next year too. We'll be back I promise." He basically read my mind. He was always good at that. He was always there when I needed him most and he always knew how to help.

"I know.. I love you Joey. I'm going to miss sharing a house with you." I said causing more tears to fall from my eyes.

"Me too B, me too, but you're right there anyway. You can't escape from us that easily." He said, causing me to laugh a little. I got up and went to my bunk and laid down, letting sleep consume me, not knowing if I would be ready for what the next day would hold.

Okay I know I'm sorry for not posting in 3 months and this is short but I'll try my best to update again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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