Chapter 11: New beginings and Regret

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I ran up and knocked on the door of the bus. I didn't even look at the person who opened the door, I just walked in.

"He Brooke, what's up?" Alex said confused.

"You did want to talk to me right?" I said and laughed. Alex gave someone behind me a death stare and I turned to see jack standing there looking like a lost puppy with his big brown eyes. He got the hint and went back to the lounge.

"Have you been crying?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah but in fine. Now, what were you going to tell me?" I asked hoping I'd get what i want out of him.

"Well, I don't know how to say this exactly, but I like you and I have for a while. I couldn't get you off my mind for the past month. Now I know you're dating Austin and eve-"

"No, I'm not, but keep going" I said sadly

"Oh, B I'm so sorry.. But I wanted to say that even if you don't like me back, I hope we can still be best friends like we were before."

"Alex, I like you too, even when I was dating Austin, you were in the back of my head." I said and he started blushing.

"Well, that makes me feel better" we both started laughing. Once we stopped I looked at him and I saw the look he was giving me.

"Now, I'm not ready for another relationship at the moment, but how about we start hanging out more and all that stuff?" I asked him

"That sounds perfect." He said and started blushing again. "Well, we have a free day tomorrow, you want to hang out?"

"of course. But for now, all I want is to watch a movie." I said and started laughing.

"C'mon then, I just got the hunger games series."

"Perfect." I said and followed him to the back lounge.


I woke up next to Alex and looked at my phone. It was 2 in the morning. I looked at Alex who was still watching the hunger games.

"Hey do you mind walking me back to my bus?" I asked him

"Yeah of course." He responded and smiled. He shot up and grabbed my hand. We walked out of All Time Low's bus and proceeded to my bus.

"This was nice, meet me here tomorrow at 1?" I asked him

"Yeah it was, and okay. See you later Brooke" he said and smiled. He hugged me and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I saw him smile and blush and then turn around and walk back to his bus.

"That was quick." David said

"You know dont judge me, he's super sweet and I don't think he's the one to do what Austin did." I said

"Do you think you and Austin are ever going to get back together?" He asked

"Maybe. But not now. Maybe once we get home. I've had enough of it this tour." I said. To be honest, I do want to be with him, I loved him. But I know that if I just forgive him, he would think he could do this again. Plus, Alex is super sweet and I want to give him a chance.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight guys!" I said. I climbed into my bunk. I turned on greenday and started thinking to myself how this all happened. Was i not good enough for Austin? I got up and went into the bathroom and sat on the floor crying to myself. I looked at the razor I had hidden in my bag and took it out. 1,2,3,4,5, I sobbed to myself. "Why why why" I kept repeating to myself. I sat there for the next half hour trying to collect myself. Once I did, I put the razor back and walked out of the bathroom.

"You okay?" David asked.

"I'm great.. Just really tired." I said and then sniffled.

"I know you're sad B, and I didn't mean to make you mad before about Alex, I'm sure he's great, just don't rush into anything you might regret." He said then hugged me.

"I can't believe Austin would do this to me. I love him." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I know I know, it's really late b, get some rest. I'll take you out for breakfast tomorrow" he said then let go of me.

"Thanks Dave, you're the best" I said and turned and went back into my bunk. I slowly fell asleep thinking about the terrible day I just had.

Austins pov:

We walked into the local bar and I knew it was going to be a great night. Alan agreed to be responsible and not get drunk tonight.

I was starting to get tipsy when I saw my ex girlfriend Gielle walk in the doors and come running up to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked

"I came here for you boo!" she exclaimed and kissed me

"What the fucks wrong with you! I have a girlfriend that I love! Get off me!" Austin screamed.

"Psh okay, I'll get you back babe!" She said, winked and then walked away and started dancing.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Alan screamed

"I don't know man, let's just forget about it." I said back

I knew I was drunk considering I could feel myself slurring my words. I was walking to sit down when Gielle pushed me up against the wall started making out with me. I knew that this was wrong and that I loved Brookelyn but I couldn't push her away. I saw a bright flash of a camera go off and it was Gielles best friend taking a picture of us. She finally got off of me and that's when I saw Alan come up to me looking pissed as ever.

"Dude what the fuck!? I thought you said that she came on to you! Now I find you kissing her again?!?" He screamed, his face turning bright red.  "What's Brooke gonna say?!? Do you even love her?!? If you did why would you be kissing other girls?"

"Why do you care so much about it? It's not like you're dating her." I yelled back. "What are you gonna do about it? Tell her?"

"Yeah that's exactly what I'm gonna do." And with that, Alan left. I may have just made the biggest mistake of my life.

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