Chapter 10: Unhappy reuinions

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I walked out of Austins bus and stretched in the fresh air. I started walking around the Kentucky venue and ran into Alex from All Time Low.

"Hey Alex" I said and hugged him.

"'Sup Brooke?" He said smiling

"Oh nothing much, you know the normal morning run" I said laughing

"Oh, yeah duh" he laughed then gave me a super weird look. "Um is there anyway I can talk to you tonight?"

"Uh yeah, just text me what's happening.. But I gotta run, I'll talk to you later" I said and jogged off. I started thinking about what he could possibly want to talk to me about.

I was back at my bus, getting ready for the day when Austin texted me.

Babe 💘:
I'm going out with the guys and some old friends tonight. Come to my show at 4. Love you

I texted him what time to come to my show. I walked out of the bathroom in ripped light washed jeans, a black crop top, and a blue flannel around my waist.

"Ohh look at you hottie" Tabbitha said and winked at me. I started laughing at her and laid on her lap.

"Alex wants to talk to me tonight and I really have no idea what it could be about." I said frustrated

"Maybe he's going to tell you how much he loves you. Or maybe he's gonna tell you how Justin loves you" she said not so jokingly

"Oh please this isn't high school anymore babe" I said

"Yeah you're right, but still!" She exclaimed.

"You're ridiculous but I love you anyway" I said and hugged her.

"I love you too , now c'mon we gotta go to your show" she said and we walked to the stage holding hands. Everyone gave us weird looks but I didn't care. I love her more than anything in the entire world.

"Tabbitha, stealing my girlfriend again?" Austin said laughing.

"Yeah what the hell!" David yelled from the background.

"Oh you both are just jealous because we love each other more than we like you guys" Tabbitha said and I started laughing. Both guys started pouting and trying to defend themselves but I went up to Austin and covered his mouth.

"Shutup I love you." And I kissed him and all I heard was clicks from a camera. "Is there ever a time that you won't take a picture of us?" I asked Tabbitha playfully. She lifted her camera and took another picture of me.

"ONE MINUTE!" Our manager yelled. I started jumping around and doing my vocal warmup. David ran on stage, then Ryan, then Joey, then me. We jumped right into the set and the crowd sang a long to all our lyrics. A certain few girls caught my eye the entire time we were performing. They were just giving me a death stare the entire time. I didn't really care.


It was about 8:00 and Austin was out with the boys and I was in my bunk listening to Metallica and scrolling through tumblr. Austin has been out since 6 and won't be home for another hour or two. Joey came up to my bunk and sat by my feet.

"Hey B, you remember Rebecca from school?" Joey asked blushing

"Yeah, what about her?" I asked.

"Well she's here and I'm taking her out on a date tomorrow on our free day." Joey said. Now Rebecca wasn't my favorite person, but I think her and Joey would be a good match.

"Aw that's really cute joe, I'm happy for you" I said and hugged him.

"Thanks b, it means a lot. You know, you've always been my best friend, I couldn't imagine life without you" he said sincerely

"Aww Joey I love you faggot" I said, adding an old joke from sophomore year.

All of a sudden Alan came bursting trough the front  door and Joey bumped his head getting off my bunk. I started laughing but I looked at Alan and his look was the most serious I've ever seen.

"What happened?" I asked him concerned

"It's Austin. I decided not to drink tonight because I was supposed to be up early tomorrow but Austin got hammered. I don't want to tell you this but his ex showed up and things went downhill from there." He said almost in tears

"Alan. What happened." I demanded him to tell me.

"She came on to him and kissed him. At first he was mad but when she did it again, he went a long with it. You're an amazing girl and I don't want you to not know. I'm so sorry b" Alan said then came over and hugged me. I didn't know what to do. I just collapsed to my knees.

"He just told me he loved me last night." I said in between tears.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Brooke. He was drunk as hell. He probably won't even remember it tomorrow." Alan said trying to calm me down.

"That doesn't change the fact that he did it. Me and him just need a break. I love him. I do but I can't take this right now." I said gathering myself.

"I want the best for you b. Please don't stop being friends with me, or the rest of the band because of Austin." He said sadly.

"I won't Alan, I promise. Thank you. I appreciate you telling me." I said.

"Trust me, Austins going to regret this in the morning." Alan said "I don't wanna be a dick about it but I want to make sure your not taken by total surprise if you found out on your own."

"Yeah, I get it. Thanks." I said. "Wait, can you do me a favor and get my clothes out of your bus and bring it here?"

"Yeah no problem. See you later" he said.

"Thanks." I said.

"I'm going to kill him." Joey said.

"No you're not stop" I said. 

"No, he hurt my bet friend. I'm not letting him get away with it." He said.

"No. You're not going to do anything to him. If you do, I won't forgive you. Even as much as I did like him, I've liked someone else for a while now. " I said with a smirk.

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