Chapter 2: One More Day

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Its been a week since i told my parents we were going on warped. Everythings been good
and we are leaving in 2 days. I just finished packing everything i would need on this 3 month tour. Damn.. 3 months on a bus with my best friends, doing what i love most in the world, surrounded by my inspirations. I heard my phone go off and looked to see who it was. Ryan texted me telling me he was coming over. I share an apartment with Joey. It was a cozy apartment and i loved every inch of it. We lived in Los Angeles. I told ryan and david to sleep over today because the bus was coming to my house to pick us all up. David practically lives her based on how many fights him and his girlfriend nicole have. I never liked her. Theyve been dating since freshman year and they are constantly fighting.

"HELLO IS THIS HOUSE EMPTY" Ryan screamed walking into my house.

"Im right infront of you dickhead." I screamed back. I was the vocalist, singer, and rythm guitarist so no one doubted i could be louder than them.

"Hey B, you got food in this place?"

"Nice to see you too ryan." I said laughing, pulling out the pizza from last night.

"Are you excited for warped ?" He asked with a mouthful of pizza

"UHM DO YOU THINK I WOULDNT BE?!?!?" I screamed making him choke on his pizza. Just then david walked in. He looked upset and i knew he had a bad history with self harming so as soon as i saw him i pulled his sleeve up. Nothing new. Good. Hes been there for me whenever ive self harmed and ive been there for him. That would never stop. He sat down next to ryan and took a slice of pizza. I rolled my eyes at them both. I dont even know where these guys would be if we never started talking. I take care of them literally 24/7. I put both of their suitcases in the corner of the living room. It was getting late so i took out the blankets and pillows from the closet and laid them out in the living room. I set my alarm for 5:00 since we would have to travel so far to get to Massachusetts, our first stop.  I said goodnight to the boys and double checked i had everything i would need to be gone for 3 months. I brushed my teeth and braided my electric blue hair and let sleep consume me.

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