Chapter 7: Birthday

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I woke up to the beautiful sight of southern jersey. Yeah, i know that not a lot of people like it, but i love it. I hopped out of my bunk and saw that David and Tabbitha were cuddling on the couch together. It was about 8 and i was getting ready to go for my morning run. I stepped outside and let the july air hit me. I began to run/jog around the venue i was all too familiar with. I was listening to Mayday Parade and i ran past the line to enter. I was amazed at how many people were there.

"Is that Brookelyn?" I heard a very very familiar voice say. I turned my head to see my abusive ex standing on the opposite side of the gate with a devilish smile on his face.

"What do you want" i asked. I was beyond scared. I didnt want to see him. He gave me so many scars and haunting nightmares that will never go away.

"I came to see you babe. C'mon you think i would miss the love of my life performing her first warped?" He asked. My stomach twisted causing a tight knot. He called me the love of his life every time he hurt me. I dont know why but he did and hearing him say that makes me cringe.

"Go away. Leave me alone. Why cant you understand that i dont want you in my life anymore?" I asked. He just looked at me and smiled

"Why cant you understand that you'll never get rid of me. Ever. Ill aways be here when you dont expect it. And dont worry, ill get you back" he said and smiled. I turned around and ran as fast as i could back to the busses. I didnt run to my bus tho, i ran to the omam bus. As soon as i reached the bus, austin popped out. I stood there and hugged him. I started crying into his chest uncontrollably. He just stood there, hugging me back trying to calm me down. We walked back onto his bus and just sat in the back room still crying. I finally stopped and austin asked what was wrong. He had this look on his face that was nothing ive ever seen before. He looked genuinely concerned. I told him everything about Jeremy. He looked like he was about to cry. He sat there and hugged me, assuring me everything would be okay.

"Im not leaving your side today" he said. "Im not going to let him get you. I promise. I swear if he touches you ill kill him." I couldnt even say anything. I just sat there, clinging to austin like it was the last time ill ever see him. I was so scared that Jeremy is here, at the venue. It makes me feel better that Austin is staying with me all of today, but im still scared.

"Hey, happy birthday babe" austin said. I totally forgot it was my birthday. Im officially 21. Cool. I looked back at austin and he had this big box in his hands. I just gave him the 'you didnt have to' look. He handed it to me and just said "open it or else ill attack you with kisses" i laughed and i opened it. I was shocked to see this beautiful burgundy and black acoustic guitar. I looked at it with my jaw wide open. I couldn't believe he did this.

"Austin this is way to expensive of a present, i cant take this" i said.

"Brooke, youre taking it. Thats it." He said. I put the guitar down and kissed his cheek. He looked at me and leaned in, connecting our lips. I felt this sensation rush through my entire body, it was like nothing ive ever felt before. I felt the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. We broke away from the kiss and just looked at each other. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. It was only 9 and i felt like passing out.

"Im tired, i think im going to go take a nap." I said. I started getting up to go to my bus when austin grabbed my arm. I looked back at him and he gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Come here, i told you im staying by your side all day today, meaning you have to sleep here. Muhaha" austin said throwing in an evil laugh at the end. I just laughed at him. I layed down next to him and he wrapped a blanket around us. I fell asleep deep in austins embrace.


I woke up with austin looking at me, playing with my hair in the same position we fell asleep in. It was so relaxing.

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