Chapter 15: improvements

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Brookes pov:

There's only a week left of warped and I'm beyond sad. The best experience of my life is coming to an end. The band decided to get another apartment in my building for Ryan and David. The apartment next to ours is actually open and that might be the one they're moving into. I've been sleeping on Austins bus a lot since we got back together 3 weeks ago. I love him so much and I couldn't be happier with how our relationship is going.

"Hey babe" Austin said kissing my neck.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked. It was 7:45 and I was up but laying in bed with Austin.

"I dont know really but im glad i can spend more time with you" Austin said. He honestly makes me feel so good about myself it's unbelievable.

"What am I going to do not being with you everyday?" I said. I've been thinking a lot about it.

"Brooke I live 5 minutes away from you. But maybe we won't even need that." Austin said then smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked I was actually confused.

"Brooke, will you move in with me?" Austin said shakily.

"Oh my god. Of course. " I said then leaned in to kiss him. What am I going to tell the boys. I'm sure they won't care that much considering how close I would be to them, but I'm definitely going to miss living with my best friends. "Come sleep on my bus tonight" I said. I miss the boys a lot. And since today is a free day I'm going to dedicate it to them.

We walked back to my bus after I got ready and I told the boys we were spending the day together. Everyone was in so we all started walking to a park near by.

"Guys I have huge news" I said. I was really scared to tell them.

"Alright spit it out then" Joey said

"Austin asked me to move in with him and I said yes." I said. I saw smiles on everyone's face which made me extremely happy.

"Congrats b, he really makes you happy, and you deserve that." Ryan said.

"Keep my room open though, I'm definitely going to sleep home on days i miss the fuck out of you guys. But I've been writing a lot and I think it's time we start another album" I said.  Everyone's faces lit up.

"I've actually been writing a lot of riffs too." Ryan said.

"Perfect. When we get home we need to start. I'm so pumped!" David exclaimed.


We got back to the busses and found a party invitation from falling in reverse. They were having a party on the last day as a "going away" party. I'm going to miss everyone on this tour so much but it's good considering most of them live in California. I've also been thinking about visiting my parents back in jersey and maybe taking Austin with me. I would love for him to meet my family considering most of them live there. Austin walked onto our bus not knocking because he knew the code to get in and sat on the couch with me.

"You get invited to fallings party?" I asked

"Nope why would I wanna hang out with those losers" he said sarcastically causing me to laugh

"Alright asshole" I said still giggling.

"You're so cute when you do that" Austin said

"Do what?" I was just laughing and I have a disgusting laugh if you ask me

"Honestly, when you do anything. You always make me happy when I'm with you. You always find a way to bring out the best in me, and I love that and everything else about you. " he said. I blushed so hard my face may have been the color of a tomato

"God I don't what I did to deserve you but I couldn't ask for anything better" I said. Then Austin leaned in and kissed me. The passion was like nothing before. I couldn't imagine spending time apart from him after tour. He's made me happier than I've ever been and I couldn't ask for anything else.

Warped Tour (austin carlile fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora