Chapter 14: recovery

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Brookes pov:

I walked back to my bus with thoughts running a million miles a minute.

"You okay?" Alex asked me as soon as he saw me.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said before running to the bathroom and throwing up. I looked up at the mirror and saw nothing but flaws. I dug threw my makeup bag and found my razor. I looked at my wrist with fading scars on it. I cut and cut digging into my skin, not deep enough to kill me but deep enough to hurt like hell. I sank down sitting in the tiny bathroom sobbing quietly to myself.

I heard a knock at the door followed by David asking if I was okay.

"I'm fine" I said and in the middle of me saying that my voice cracked.

"Brookelyn Ann Smith let me in right now" David yelled.

"No, David stop." I yelled back sobbing louder.

"Ryan come help me" he said. Within seconds the door was open and David was staring at me with tear stains going down my cheeks. David saw looked at my wrist and fell to the ground.

"Why why would you do it. You promised me you wouldn't" he said looking at me with sad eyes.

"I can't help it. I had to do it. I hate myself so much. I don't want to be here anymore." I screamed. Then Alex came running in along with Ryan Tabbitha and Joey. Everyone in this tiny room looking at me started making me queasy. Alex stooped down and hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder.  He picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom and into the lounge. He laid me down on the couch and by then I could feel myself slowly blacking out. Oh god..


I woke up a few minutes later and I heard everyone freaking out.

"IM FINE" I yelled after hearing everyone panicking, "I just want to go to sleep." I said. Everyone looked at each other and nodded. I walked back to the bunks and Alex came behind me.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to rush you into things. I really like you Brooke, but I want you to get better. I know you're really confused right now. I'll always be your best friend, but I don't think us trying to be in a relationship is best for you right now. It's okay if you date Austin again, I won't be mad as long as we're still friends. Text me tomorrow Brooke, goodnight." Alex said and then kissed my forehead.  I was happy I didn't have to hurt Alex and we could continue our friendship. It made me feel a lot better but not 100% okay. But I decided that I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. All I wanted to do was sleep.


I woke up and we were at our next venue. I hopped out of bed and was surprised to see David up already. I ran over to him and hugged him extremely tight.

"Glad to see someone's feeling better" he chuckled.

"Yeah me too" I said. I slipped my running shoes on and started my jog. I decided to check in with Austin so I went to his bus. I knocked on the door and Phil answered it. A smile spread across his face which made me smile. He pulled me in for a hug and almost didn't let go.

"I'm so glad you're here. He misses you so much." He said.

"yeah, I miss him a lot too." I said and walked in.  Austin was still sleeping so I went to his bunk and kissed his cheek. I decided I was done not listening to my heart. I needed to be with Austin. His eyes fluttered open and he started smiling ear to ear. He jumped out of his bunk and bear hugged me.

"I didn't need a week, I need you," I said looking up at him. I tried to stand on my toes to kiss him but he was so tall he needed to bend down to close the gap between us. This kiss felt so right. The past week without him I felt so lonely. I couldn't stand being without him another day.

Austins pov:

Brooke coming over and waking me up has been the best day I've had in a week. I haven't felt myself since that day at the bar.

"I know I fucked up big time, but will you do me the honor of taking me back?" I asked her after she kissed me.

"Of course Austin. I love you." She said.

"I love you too" I said and leaned down and kissed her again. "Wait, let me get ready and I'll walk you back to your bus." I said. I was beyond happy that she took me back. I quickly got ready and ran out to the main lounge to see Brooke talking to Phil.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded and stood up following me out of the bus. I grabbed her hand and interlocked her fingers with mine. This felt so right I didn't want to change anything. We arrived at her bus and walked in. Tabbitha and Ryan were sitting in the lounge eating something. Ryan gave me a surprised look but Brooke sat down next to him and hugged him. She whispered something and he relaxed a little.

"What's up austin?" Tabby said to me. I was surprised that she started a conversation with me considering how much she wanted to kill me a week ago.

"Not much, how about you? How's dave?" I asked her. We continued to have small talk until Brooke came out. She was wearing a nirvana shirt, ripped stockings, shorts, and docs. She was wearing dark blue lipstick that matched one of the colors of her beautiful hair.

"You ready?" She asked me and I nodded. I don't know where we were going but I didn't really care.

"I wanna go mosh" Brooke said.

"You wanna go in a mosh pit with hundreds of people that most likely recognize you?" I asked.

"Yeah it sounds fun" she said smiling and laughing.

"This is why I love you." I said. We ran to the stage Attila was at because we both knew that crowd was crazy. We were in the crowd jamming out to call out when I locked eyes with fronz. I pointed to Brooke and then pointed up at the stage. He nodded and finished the song. I knew Brooke was a big fan of Attila. I heard her rapping their songs all the time.

"I would like to invite up a special guest I spot in the audience. Brookelyn come up here!" Fronz yelled. I helped her get out of the crowd then we both ran up on stage. I went side stage while she got miced up. "This song is called payback!" Fronz yelled. I knew this was Brookes favorite song by them and her face lit up. She rapped every lyric correctly and even got most pitches of the screams right which was extremely impressive. She ran of stage when the song was over and jumped on me. I caught her and she started laughing. I loved her laugh and really everything about her. I'm beyond happy that I got her back because I missed all the fun times we had and all together her.

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