088. Over

21 0 0

May 14, 2016

Dear Diary,

There are moments

That you just can't stop replaying over in your head

It's like time slowed down just you.

Just so you can burn that moment into your memory...


Those moments are amazing

You know

The great, happy, ones

The ones that you want to remember.


There are those moments that you are cursed with having.


Of course it'd be about him

Let's just say

That I have no chance with him

Not at this very moment

And that's it

Nothing more to add other than I can't look at him the same way every again


That's not necessarily a bad thing

I'm just

I'll be okay I promise


I'll just be heartbroken

Just for now

Don't worry

I'll get over him

I swear

Trust me



I'm already getting through it

I mean, this happened earlier this week

And I just didn't feel like writing about it until I felt sure that I was gonna get over him.

I know I have to get over him

And I will

I promise

There'll be others

I guess




That's all

Good night

~xx Mari

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